zucchini what are you doing you can’t have any of this go go go get down get down get down get down what do you stop you’re not stuck hey get down get down get down get down oh my goodness zie don’t pretend like you don’t see me if I walk away you’re going to try to grab more wood mhm going away excuse me Zu oh my gosh


  1. We know it's a lot of trouble but if you could you go through that pile of wood and throw away any pieces that he could chew up and swallow. We didn't know it at the time, but our little Cairn ate a bunch of bark from an old tree in our yard and then we don't know how long it was in his gut, but it became a blockage he wasn't eating as much and didn’t act like his old self, so we took him to his vet, and he had to keep him for surgery. The next day he took his whole colon out and laid it on the operating table just to make sure to get everything out of his colon. If we hadn’t brought him in to the vet's office he would have had a very painful death. When the vet showed us how much bark he ate we couldn’t believe it, we didn’t even see him eat it. It was because of the vet that we found out about it so we went out to take off the loose bark but there was so much bark higher up it would just fall so we had the tree cut down because there's something about Carins for some reason they just have to eat stuff in the yard. We even caught him starting to eat the pea gravel around some potted plants and dug all of it up just to keep him from damaging himself. We feed him well but now we go out in the yard with him to make sure he doesn’t do something to hurt himself. We never had a dog like him before, I don’t know if it's the breed or what, he’s such a little character but we love him to death. We hope your sweet little Cairn is ok .😊

  2. Reminds me of Tiller ! He loves to chew on wood too. Usually small branches that fall on the ground. When he was under a year old he would destroy anything plastic in the yard, buckets, watering cans etc. He survived and now just chews up some small branches. Doesn’t seem to eat them. He looks the same as Zucci but bigger, 26 lbs !

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