In today’s video, we are going to talk about a breed that is bizarrely dog-like, and amazingly enough, can be described as the golden retriever of the cat world. The Cornish Rex is a sophisticated cat for true connoisseurs of beauty and grace. We will visit the farm where the Cornish kitten was born for the first time. Travel to a cat hotel and meet a legendary British breeder.

#cats #cornishrex #planetofcats

can I hold you in my arms here we are you’re going to ask what am I doing here and what do rabbits have to do with it I will tell you on the 21st of July 1950 on the M anism Mor’s rabbit farm it was somewhere around here a most ordinary cat gave birth to a strange kitten curly like a lamb or a Rex Rabbit and its pretty face evok those very elves the Kon was given the name CI bunker well such a name for the British epic hero what’s your name don’t be afraid I’m letting you go little calii bunker was the first Cornish Rex Cornish means from Cornwall and since it was the rabbit farm the second word was borrowed from Rabbits Rex is the name of the breed with curly fur but for such cats the name is too prosaic therefore sometimes they are poetically called Bewitched princes and there really is some mystery in them a k with such an unusual appearance could appear only in a special place but if it is a fairy tale creature then this tail is not so kind not only the British consider the elves to be mischievous creatures who more over are prone to theft this is not the worst part here I do not see much difference between cats and elves the fact is that all the novels stories which take place in the county of Cornwall are nothing but [Music] Thrillers no wind and the gray sea calm and full Campion in blue yet in the hedges and the air mild the farmer was right though and it was that night the weather turned that is how one of the most horrifying stories in the world begins it is the birds by Daphne dorier yes yes the very birds that inspired the great and terrible Alfred hedgcock he just set the movie in America in San Francisco but this story in which the farmer and his entire family boarded up the house and wait for the imminent death from the beaks of birds takes place here in Cornwall Cornwall is only 300 M away from London but I feel like I’m on another planet the county has always kept itself aloof from the rest of Britain it even has its own Cornish language but actually only 300 people speak it fluently so these are the English Boondocks they didn’t even hesitate to call it the there on a sign this is the westernmost point of England Cape lend so now when I see the enchanted Cornish Rex I’ll tell them so guys I will follow you to the land’s end but all the horrors and terrible secrets are certainly a tribute to Great literary traditions in real life modern Cornwall is an excellent Resort not far off its Coast warm Gulf Stream com to the Irish sea and in summer spectacular beaches and bays are filled with vacationers and Surfers now it is not the season so it’s pretty dull around here and not one vacationer perhaps there is plenty of invisible elves here flying around flapping their wings but men don’t feel very comfortable outdoors and as for cats it will be difficult to kick one out of the house but if you’re a cat and the Fate has brought you here in Cornwall then you can rest much better than a man here it is cat salvation from the English Autumn depression a five-star hotel for cats hello hello there please to meet you so is this a reception desk here yes reception and can I take a closer look at your hotel because what if I decide to leave my cat here yes we can have look around yes [Music] great through wow and here are the hotel rooms first second and third just look at this sofa cushions oh and here the guest hello lodger how do you like it here I will not bother you much just a couple of questions that’s all Jemma please tell me what services do you provide to your guests um so we can offer the owners a chauffeur service where I can go and collect the cats from their house and drive them here um we can also offer our cats a variety of toys in the room which I can show in a minute uh we have laser light toys we have puzzle feeders would you like to come inside with pleasure there are three guests in the spacious room now a kitty named Lily and two of her brothers Jemma said that every day she emails cats owners a detailed Report with photos on how their pets live here and there is a web camera in every room and having connected to it the cat owners can see what their pets are doing in real time that’s a Hightech [Music] hotel and what is that some kind of air freshener probably right so this is a laser light toy and if I turn it on wow there’s a light that goes all around the room and Little Lily here yeah will probably Chase another entertainment for the guests is a puzzle feeder although it rather entertains people watching the process and for cats it’s so to say food for thought the idea of this educational game is that the tailed one must guess how to get a delicacy from the Labyrinth quickly and efficiently hey you can do it come on come on now now well victory [Music] so now I totally get this circus thing and what about the bread what is on the men um so we have um wet foods and dry foods which are included in chicken turkey p Sal Scottish salmon [Music] fet tuna steak and white fish just like that cats make a pretty good living in this hotel and on the back there are drinks and nibbles uh so there’s cat milk for kittens I see I see and I just wanted to say what about milk I think that one can find some valan in the bar of this hotel and I’ve actually got some salmon to feed one of our guests now shall I go and get yes of course let me help you ah so this is the kitchen I see this is a restaurant kitchen and here is some freshly cooked salmon which we will give to gas around the corner let me help you yes let’s go feed the [Music] cats here you are wait buddy wait wait here I’ve brought you some food come on let’s eat come here it’s time to eat oh eat eat eat do not worry come on come on get it come on get it it’s all for you yeah Scottish salmon wouldn’t mind to have one myself the cat hotel price is £195 per night the price includes dry and wet food cat litter and toys each item of the The Gourmet Cuisine menu will cost you extra £3 the cat camera is another2 a calm cat owner on vacation Priceless Gemma thank you so much for such a terrific tour you have a great hotel I think you will have lots of customers and you will have the kindness for each of the cats thank you very much and I hope you have enjoyed your tour around the hotel in short if you come to Cornwall take your favorite cat with you and while it’s chilling out in the cat’s Hotel you can quietly go to the village with a tempting name mouse hole a pokey hole of a place look no it’s not a hole though frankly I’m a little far out but where else would you see such a nice fishing village with a stunningly beautiful Bay and it is called mous hole because of the harbor entrance it is narrow like a mouse hole and here’s another English fairy tale there lived a fisherman in this Village and he had a cat Once Upon a Time just before Chistmas a violent storm blew out and no one could go to the Sea villagers suffered from Hunger but the old fisherman and his cat had nothing to lose and they went to fish the storm howled and played with their small boat like a cat plays with a mouse the cat of the fisherman began to purr to quiet the cat storm and it calmed down they caught fish for the whole village and returned in the dead of night when the fisherman and The Cat Came To The Shore they saw that all the villagers came out to meet them with candles and lanterns this good ancient Village Parable has created a beautiful tradition every Christmas people from all Cornwall come here and light hundreds of candles in the harbor in memory of those who will never return to the [Music] shore well let’s go back to our cats I had already traveled the length and breadth of Cornwall to meet the Cornish shx it turned out that these are not the cats that are found at every corner here I think it’s the road to nowhere but remember I promised you that in search of the Cornish Rex I’m ready to get to the very edge of the Earth so here I am I was told that this is the little house where those little elf likee cats [Music] [Applause] live hello hello I’m Victor I’m Sarah who’s this and this is Mishka Mish m is this a girl yes it is H that’s what it is Mishka Sarah has been breeding Cornish rexes for 15 years already as she says it was love at first sight and I understand her very well in my case one touch was enough it’s so perfect who well oh and those legs I’m just looking at you well please let me Pat you don’t be like that oh and what a tail an eyes so huge you have eyes like no other so beautiful eyes and you want to be petted too here you are it’s a girl and a boy have you seen how they kissed each other with their noses the trademark of the Cornish is their fur coat it is soft and wavy like caracle it is interesting that these cats don’t have guard hairs they only have a very fine undercoat tell me Sarah how long have you been interested in breeding Cornish rexes and is it a hobby or is it your professional activity yeah it’s more of a hobby um I’ve had I’ve got my first Cornish 15 years ago as as a pet um became great friends with the breeder um started to show and then I actually got a Devon to start with Devon Rex but then I did get a Cornish Rex and sort of and went came into breeding just to keep the breed going because there’s not that many in you know as they’re not as popular as like the Persians or the Bengals you know there’s H lots of whereas there’s not so many there’s sometimes less than a 100 registered a year the gccf and and I just do it as a hob I just want to keep the breed going and and keep them go they such a beautiful breed it’ be a shame to lose them and while Sarah was telling me about her love for the Cornish an absolutely different cat came to me cie the Canadian Sphinx she came and immediately made it clear to everyone that tonight I’m with her that’s it so Sarah despite the fact that there is a thing sitting here between my legs tell me please how should the exemplary Cornish Rex look ears muzzle tail Paws what should they be what are the standards for this breed well for the Cornish they have to have the beautiful wavy coat which most judges when you close your eyes you’ll be able to feel the ripples muscle shaped ears well on on the head standing High a long and elegant face sort of like with a nice wedge like that huh long tapering tail so it balances the body and then the back legs are usually just bit slightly longer than in the front and they’re just a very elegant breed it’s a very elegant cat I heard that Cornish rexers are referred to as the Greyhounds of the cats besides let me remind you that they’re called Bewitched princes there is some kind of aristocracy in them straight profile wide set expressive eyes long slender legs but these Aristocrats are apparently from some other planet is their temper also a bit alien I wonder the Cornish are often compared to elves how mischievous are they do they cause much damage or or are they accommodating after all well if you if you want a quiet cat you don’t have a Cornish rexes they are very Lively very acrobatic um well they can appear from nowhere land on your shoulder run up your leg they like to pick things up like a dog and carry things sometimes as well he he will if if you leave that he will try and take it and walk off with it he’ll play they can jump and somersault very high they can if you blink you’ll miss them sometimes they are that fast and they will bounce off the furniture they have yeah you don’t if you want a quiet CRA you don’t have a Cornish Rex cuz are very Lively and they’re like kittens all their lives I know from my own experience and from the experience of many generations of cat owners that the house is more important for cats than the owner it usually is just a supplement to the package of services but for the Cornish the master is the center of the universe now look at that face because I think that the Cornish Rex doesn’t have a muzzle but a face look at the ears they’re huge these eyes are huge the nose is huge everything seems to be very big but Exquisite and elegant well is it not an elf and really put a bow in their paws and beware Alien Force yes yes are you the keeper of the English forests such a handsome boy and you’re very beautiful too of course but we’ll talk about you in our next show and what about the health are they healthy strong hearty cats because of their fragile look it seems to me that they’re so one can sneeze at them and they crumble are they vulnerable to diseases they no they just don’t s they they’re just very robust they don’t really come down it’s like any cat can come ill but they’re they’re not no they’re yeah they look fragile but they’re not you know the only thing you need to worry about is hypothermia Cornish rexes have a very thin coat they cannot protect themselves from the cold so protect the elf cats from drafts and if you’re going for a walk you’d better put some overalls on them oh and who do we have [Applause] here hello I think it’s smaller than my nose how old is he four weeks old today wow four weeks four weeks wow this is the Mom it’s the mom this is his mom right the mother is here of course she cannot leave her CB alone oh you’re so [Music] handsome Sarah tell me why does it have a smooth coat uh they actually all were born with curly coats um they only just lost them about three days ago but it will come back some of them do keep their coats some of them lose them all mine lose their coats but I find if they lose the coat they get a better coat I find so but a lot of hand grooming that coat will come back but their coats can take up to two years sometimes get properly and does their hair need some special treatment the one time I did bar a Cornish it curls went so I haven’t done it again but I go over with um with wet just ordinary wet wipes soon these silly little guys will become curly and turn into beautiful Alvin princes but their childishly playful and mischievous disposition will not change even when they get very old this temper and desperate Devotion to man make even the most Avid dog lovers fall in love with the Cornish rexs and yet you’re really an elf I’m even cared to hold such a cat in my arms it is so fragile unearthly but the truth is it’s an Alvin delusion the Cornish Rex BS the wool over your eyes this is a very strong healthy cat and besides it’s not CA precious at all it will be faithful to you and love you with all its heart but only in response to your love and kindness like all cats because cats are never wrong about people right

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