Sharing five interesting and lesser-known facts about dogs that will surprise and entertain viewers, revealing the amazing world of dogs.

[Music] hey dog lovers ready to learn some wild and wonderful things about your furry Pals stay tuned fact number one did you know dogs can smell your feelings yep they can literally sniff out your mood talk about emotional support fact number two your dog’s nose print is as unique as a human fingerprint forget passwords just use your pup snout fact number three dogs have a sense of time ever notice how they know exactly when it’s dinner time no more excuses for being late with their kibble fact number four some dogs can learn over 1,000 words so the next time you’re chatting with your dog remember they might might just understand you and finally fact number five dogs can literally make you healthier they boost your immune system and lower your stress levels best medicine ever right so there you have it five awesome dog facts to brighten your day don’t forget to hit that like button and subscribe for more Pome content stay wagtastic

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