I have a pack of 3 Cane Corso Dogs, 1 American Pitbull Terrier, and 1 Pitbull mix. The Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) is a very dominant guardian protection breed of dog that will protect and defend its family and property with its life. In this video, you can see how the dogs work strategically as a pack to guard and defend the property.

[Music] you eating grass come here L [Music] [Music] come [Music] hey y’all beautiful morning out here really dewy spring morning the dogs kind of woke me up early because I think there was a deer behind the fence I think this is around the time if I remember from year to year I’ve only been here two years but every uh spring uh the deer the Doe’s mother deers will will park their uh their the fwn the babies near my fence line it’s really interesting I I wondered why would they do that knowing I have all these big dogs but they’ll they’ll put their newborn babies to rest uh right outside of my fence line like where you could almost Reach Out And Touch it and uh I thought it was brilliant I had a this why I love all the comments when y’all comment cuz you have good really good um ideas someone commented and said they think that’s because the deer instinct ly knows that these dogs don’t cross the fence or maybe not instinctive maybe they just observe that and but they instinctively know that the dogs are going to um keep away any other predators that could reach the deer like coyotes we got tons of coyotes out there we even have mountain lions believe it or not in this area Texas foxes you know anything but um and so those those predators don’t come near my fence cuz the dogs go ballistic when they see but the deer know that the dogs don’t cross the fence I guess they they’ve observed that over time so that’s so interesting so the dogs will uh my dogs they go crazy when they see the that baby deer but they can’t reach it but it’s protected from the other Predators nature brilliant but uh anyway they’re they’re uh picking at this sugar berry tree it’s also called a Hackberry I guess depending on what part of the uh the globe it’s on so they got good exercise out there cuz they were running back and forth it was way back this is about almost 2 Acres so it was way at the end of the fence line there so they kept you know like running back and forth and you know they’re mentally engaged with all the uh scents all the smells and scents you know that they pick up through their nose that the springtime brings new things like they I’m definitely smelled the uh see DOL is barking at it already definitely they smell the uh the deer and the reason I know it was definitely something out there is cuz Azie was back there too and when Azie gets involved I know it’s it’s really something out of the ordinary so I’ll show you it’s way back here where she’s at what is it do now do has a very high prey drive she’s also extremely protective um so I imagine what it was probably there was a baby deer somewhere out here that may have just moved I don’t know but it’s something some kind of wild animal cuz she won’t let it go man y’all nothing gets past the Coro I I always say that and I just think it’s amazing cuz it’s it’s literally true there’s nothing she’s trying to get us oh she’s trying to get that stick get it there’s literally nothing that you can get past the Corso they their senses are so acutely aware of their environment like I was saying on the previous video they calibrate their senses to everything that should be in their environment and once they have uh mapped out everything with all their senses mostly their nose once they have that all mapped out come here gu then um anything that’s new that they don’t likea they uh or that they don’t know why it should be there they uh immediately go investigate it give me that it’s got a lot of moss on it um so yeah very interesting oh shoot and I didn’t catch it on camera but because Dolce is so dominant she’s a very dominant female Whenever there is something to really investigate like a a wild animal out here and Aussie’s at it as well she’ll sometimes butt headbutt him almost as if to say this is I’m taking the lead on this and he put her down in her place and woo it scared me for a second there cuz it was pretty nasty nobody got hurt but they were nashing teeth at each other’s heads like their heads were just a a it’s a whirlwind they were growling and barking at each other it happened real quickly but it’s something that you could imagine it could have turned into a fight if if Dolce didn’t back down at the last minute but it was uh actually nice to see that aie held his place he held his place as the alpha dog and he’ll consistently do that because that’s what the a pack works I got to get this thistle up it’s that’s why they say it’s Dynamic cuz it the dogs will periodically um test each other’s position in the pack and try to rise up in the ranks as they naturally will tend to do based on their temperament like Dolce for example at that yeah caught this thistle before it’s going to go to seed and spread all the thousands of seeds I’ll take over my yard okay so anyways gypsy’s got her Rock that’s Gypsy the little pitbull puppy carries around big rocks all day that she digs up what is it house and if I haven’t introduced uh if you’re new to the Past sorry I usually do the introduction early on but Azie is the big alpha male here in front of me then the other gry brindle there is uh Luchia she’s my one-year-old female going to be breeding her at the end of the year or early next year and then um do as I mentioned is the very dominant female tux is the pitbull mix and that’s the pack so five dogs three Corso one pure American Pitbull Terrier which is Gypsy I got a genetic test on her she’s Pitbull only Pitbull and then uh tux is mix 65% pit so so yeah we’re just walking along the perimeter of the fence which the dogs do often and periodically they will do that D okay good girl Chia well y’all I got to get to work but just want to check in with everybody say hi and let you know um oh I want you to thank everybody we’ve reached over 30,000 subscribers oops in a relatively short time I haven’t had this channel for very long and I’m really um thankful to all of y’all who have subscribed really appreciate you for helping the channel to grow so quickly R shoot for 100,000 yeah yall really did help support the channel help to have it uh helped it to grow so quickly and um yeah let’s shoot for 100,000 um I think that I mean it’s nice to have more subscribers because I really value everybody’s input and I know that a lot of y’all who have subscribed are out in the UK so it’s very valuable to me to have that kind of input from across the pond so they say you know because you know UK is an older Country it’s um I’ve been there a couple times and beautiful country but they you know have different policies on dogs of course but I do so appreciate everybody especially internationally that have um tuned into to the channel so thank you thank you thank you really appreciate y’all subscribing and I really appreciate all your input on the in the Channel all your comments they’re very very uh like I said valuable not only to me but to other viewers who may learned some things from from y’all’s experience and of course thank you to everybody in the US you know who have subscribed and uh because see this breed is relatively new to the US and the United States and in Italy it’s it’s definitely well known cuz that’s where the breed originated um also oh thank you to to to you who uh commented about I want to do a video on this soon so I thought this that’s why I love all your comments um someone you know recently commented about the movie pompe Pompei where uh they actually featured the conic Corso dog in that movie and there’s been several movies that have featured the conic Coro but it was pretty accurate because p P you know it’s all about how you know in Italy how they’re you know in Rome in well watch the movie I don’t want to give it away but uh how the dog was uh utilized back then in the Roman war time so that was very interesting so thank you for that comment because I was thinking maybe I’ll do a video on that soon you know about the history of the cone Corso you can look it up and everything but it it is a fascinating if you like history it’s really fascinating because this is a pretty old breed one of the one of the older breeds HOH almost hit her oops that Branch got in the way I got to cut that branch do good girl ready do sit down sit sit do T sit sit sit sit down tou CH it good girl good [Applause] girl see how Do’s got some lots of stamina lots of stamina she’s about four years older than Luchia luchia’s bigger hi Papa a he’s posted at my feet here it’s his usual position he’ll come and Post Guard at my feet such a nice feeling to have that security and I did a a video recently also about how this dog breed or a lot of dogs actually if you have a pack of dogs they guard and and protect as a pack they they work strategically as a pack so somebody if there was an intruder somebody came up you’d have dogs in different areas so that someone can’t take them all out at once is I think is the the strategy so you have the dogs on the various flanks of the so-called Battlefield and then you have and then usually one of the females will come periodically to check on me to guard me so it’s it’s FAS a to watch them work as a pack sit sit good sit baby girl good sit look how wide her chest is good Lord good sit I can see she’s starting to lose a little bit of steam they’ve been going at it for almost an hour now this morning wrestling running chasing whatever scent that was outside the fence tuck his poop just watching them he gets his exercise just watching them don’t just getting her steps in today she’s looking good she’s losing some weight oh do tried to grab that log from Luchia do doia held her own she’s confident she’s not as intense as DOA but she’s confident she hold her own she’s not a pushover that’s what I love about her she’s she’s chill but she’s definitely confident and she’ll stick up for herself but yeah that’s a good exercise that these dogs get out here because they uh they really uh they got the land to run around and then they wrestle with each other like I said they’ve been going at it for about an hour now but and they’re still probably going to have another sparring session here pretty see oh oops that was a weak throw good girl good girl good good good good you okay ready get it girl bring it here bring it here well y’all yeah I got to get ready for work Gypsy is not letting go of that rock she is so proud of her Rock she worked hard to dig it up yeah out here in the Hill Country there’s tons of rocks it’s very Rocky and so it keeps her busy and and some of them you know are quite heavy and really in the ground pretty good so she works hard to get them up and she don’t let nobody nobody’s going to get her Rock nobody wants it and nobody wants it gypsy is poking the bear poking the [Music] bear okay baby girl okay Baby J uhoh [Music] well thanks again for watching y’all thank you for everybody who has subscribed don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already help us get to 100,000 and hope you all have a good day and and we’ll see you on the next one doy doy you got to take a break girl nobody got time for a break take a break when I’m sleeping I’ll take a break when I’m sleeping and that’s it woo do very demanding do sit good sit good girl good sit good girl baby hey that’s enough that’s enough that’s enough girls girls she got it she got it got gypsy gypsy girl this gy look at these Prairie B that’s what these are they grow like weeds but they’re natural beautiful beautiful Luchi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Luchi [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] oh [Music]


  1. Just love you pack dynamics and their role within the pack. The dogs will do their utmost to protect you. Also many thanks for mentioning the Uk 🇬🇧 that’s where I’m from ❤❤😊

  2. Like I always say I love your gorgeous babies ❤❤❤ they are such a delight to watch . And always on alert to protect the mama and their home 🏡❤💕💙

  3. I have learned more about my Corso by watching your you tubes thank you for sharing your pack with everyone . my Cane Corso female just turned one year old

  4. Questo e un cane Italiano come me! Il cane Corso e un cane molto antico e gli antichi Romani di Giulio Cesare li facevano combattere contro i Leoni nell'arena al Colosseo.E un cane molto affezionato al padrone ed è un cane molto protettivo.Un bacione alla padrona molto simpatica e bella.✌️❤️🐕

  5. I'm not sure if anyone has commented on here yet, but little fawns do not have any scent, therefore they can lay in the grasses or where ever their mother leaves them, and no animals can smell them. Other animals could come across them, by seeing them, of course, but not by smell. However, I'm not sure how the mother covers her scent up. Maybe it just disappears shortly after she leaves.

  6. Not sure why people love to anthropomorphize wild animals so much. Deer can be very crafty but I am fairly certain that whomever suggested that the doe managed to a) Identify your dogs as a breed that will not bother deer. b) Make the complex logic leap that if she hides her baby next to the fence where that breed of dog lives, it will be safe from nearby predators, is pushing things to an extreme, IMO. Over the years we have had does park their babies in our calf pen, next to the hay barn with our geese, in the flower bed right beside our front porch and right next to our dog pen that contained 3 adult German Shepherds. Love your Corso babies.

  7. My Corso puppy's growing stealth… Silent but ultra aware. She wasn't budging from the gate when i didnt realise someone arrived to the other side. Stoked

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