Fun walk

Today, this resilient group of four meat trade survivors ventured into new territory for a leisurely stroll. Whippets Destiny and Aura took the lead, confidently exploring the greenery ahead. They were closely followed by our gentle giant, Poppy, the poodle cross, and the graceful black beauty, Ally. It was a joyful moment of freedom and discovery for these brave souls.


  1. So lovely to these beautiful rescued angels feeling the grass under their paws and noses to the ground picking up all the different smells. Thank you so much
    ❤Paws of China❤ 🐕🙏🐕🙏🐕🙏❤️

  2. Grazieeee i dog sono esseri meravigliosi meglio degli umani senziente e amorevoli li adoro tutti grazieeee di esserci ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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