For more information on Keith’s Hut and the Cerise Creek area please click on the following link:


  1. What a fantastic trip. Been too busy this winter here in Maine to hit the huts and trail system. And now we've already got melting happening.

  2. Very beautiful! I never tried snowshoeing, having a wonky back since I was 16, but it looks glorious. Thanks for the tour to the cabin. And I hope that canine interloper got back to his own people okay!

  3. So beautiful !!!
    Many thanks dear ,i´ve really enjoyed!********* 19
    Have a great Sunday and awesome new week ahead friend !
    Hugs ~S&S ღ🍃🌺♥ இ ♥💕🌹

  4. Such beautiful scenery! I miss having deep snowfalls. Beautiful snowy mountains and cabin. Wish we got weather like that here. Glad everyone had a great time and the dog got back to its owner and it really does need paw coverings to keep them from developing frostbite. Thank you so much for sharing and I send my best to all, including all of the wonderful kitties. My kitty Boots sends meows and purrs to all. Hope you all get more outdoor time.

  5. I wondered why the doggie just appeared during the trip out of nowhere? Was he lost? He looked like he should be wearing a coat as he wasn't a very long-furred type.

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