猛暑でも元気!ウィペット子犬の夏の遊び方&成長記録 / Staying Active in the Heat! Whippet Puppy Summer Play & Growth Record


This summer has been brutally hot, but our Whippet puppy is full of energy!
In this video, we share how our 7-10 month old Whippet has been growing and staying active despite the scorching heat. From indoor play and training to refreshing pool time and cool evening walks by the harbor, we document how we’ve kept our energetic puppy entertained and exercised during this intense summer.
If you’re looking for tips on how to keep your dog happy and healthy during hot weather, this video is packed with ideas. Enjoy watching!

・のん  「ローズマリー」
・SHUNTA 「Truly」
・風人   「Flower Kiss」

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