Odd eyed cat is so beautiful and cute. This is a Turkish Van cat. This species is known in the world for its white color and different eye colors.


  1. Белый кот! А не белый кошка, у вас переводчик переводит с ошибками. И акцент в разговоре интересный.

  2. What a wonderful way to spend your precious time with your spouse…doing something you truly enjoy…with those little rascals!!!

  3. Gorgeous baby. We have a white Maine Coon with the same striking heterochromatic eyes. She has the same lovable disposition, too. Who could resist?

  4. What a beautiful & lovely kitty! So sweet & with such a wonderfully fluffy tail.😻 Thank you Mrs. & Mr. Meow Meow for demonstrating kindness & compassionate towards our feline friends. Please be safe & wishing you both well.🌠🙏🏾💕

  5. What a beautiful & lovely kitty! So sweet & with such a wonderfully fluffy tail.😻 Thank you Mrs. & Mr. Meow Meow for demonstrating kindness & compassionate towards our feline friends. Please be safe & wishing you both well.🌠🙏🏾💕

  6. Beautiful cat was hungrier for pets and attention than food! Had to check the camera to make sure YouTube was on!

  7. Es igual a mi Blanquita/Nieve! que venía a visitarme todos los días para pedir Comida y Cariño ,hasta que la termine de adoptar s pesar de tener otros 3 gatos ya ! 😊
    También tiene un ojo Azul y el otro Amarillo 😻😎

  8. Typical Turkish Van cat. Beauties.
    If you really like cats then dont put food on the ground it is full of germs and microbes : put at least a clean.paper if not a clean.plate

  9. gracias por darle amor y comida que Dios los bendiga siempre son buenas personas 🐾😻🐱🐾😻🐱😻🐾🇦🇷

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