From the most voracious killer in the animal kingdom to the mysterious and elusive Jaguarundi, here are ten of the rarest wild cats on Earth!

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11: The Canadian Lynx
One of the rarest cats in the world is the Canadian Lynx. This amazing snow cat can be found mainly throughout Canada and in some northern U.S. states.This lynx is a specialist predator, meaning that it has a very specific type of food.

10: Flat-Headed Cat
You’ve probably never heard of the flat-headed cat. But guess what, it exists! It’s one of the most unusual members of the cat family, distinguished from other cats because of its long and relatively flat head.

9: Fishing Cat
The fishing cat is a truly remarkable feline. It looks almost like a lynx with its tall, pointy ears. But the fishing cat has a very distinct face. Why is it called the fishing cat? Because it loves to get in the water and hunt for fish!

8: Snow Leopard
Out of all the rare cats on the list today, the snow leopard is definitely the biggest. It’s also arguably the most gorgeous rare cat in the world. According to the World Wildlife Foundation, snow leopards can only be found in the high mountains of Asia, specifically in the Himalayan region.

7. Manx
Also known as rumpies or ‘stubbins’ because of their missing tail, this unusual cat comes from the Isle of Man, famous for its 1,000 banks and small population! Why doesn’t it have a tail? Because the Manx cat was late for Noah’s Ark and Noah slammed the door and severed its tail.

6: Borneo Bay Cat
The Borneo Bay cat is truly impressive. It doesn’t even really look like a cat. It almost looks like a monkey or a lemur, with an abnormally long tail and long limbs. The Borneo Bay cat has chestnut hair that could easily belong to a monkey.

5: Andean Cat
The Andean cat is simply adorable. This feisty little feline has ashy grey fur and is ridiculously small. They only grow to be roughly 14 inches tall, weighing between 8 and 13 pounds. According to the International Society for Endangered Cats, the Andean cat is primarily found at high elevations in the Andes mountains in the countries of Peru and Bolivia, in the North of Chile, and in northern Argentina.

4: Sand Cat
Meet another small yet adorable rare cat. The sand cat lives throughout the deserts of Africa and Asia and is perfectly adapted to life in dry and inhospitable environments. The sand cat can live without water, it can run on sand, and it can even detect prey underground.

3: Black-Footed Cat
Now it’s time to take a look at the world’s deadliest cat. While you may think the lion or the tiger is the deadliest feline predator in the world, that’s not true. The African black-footed cat is in fact the world’s deadliest predator. It weighs 200 times less than a lion and yet it has a success rate of 60% when hunting.

2: Jaguarundi
The jaguarundi is another one of those cats that doesn’t look like a cat. It kind of looks like an angry, miniature bear or something. It also looks very mean. It has a death stare like no other cat you’ve ever seen in your life.

1: Iberian Lynx
Unfortunately, this is the rarest and most endangered cat in the world. As of 2002, there were less than 100 left in the wild. A conservation project called LIFE Iberlince is helping to recover some of the species’ lost territories.

#rarecats #wildcatbreeds #wildanimals #epicwildlife


  1. Manx cat is NOT a wild cat… its a domestic cat. Wow, this channel keeps impressing me with out stupid the people behind these videos are.

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