Australian Cattle Dog – Ganadero Australiano – オーストラリアン・キャトル・ドッグ – American Kennel Club – Dog breed series 1994 – Australian Cattle Dog Club of America
Group 1 – Fédération Cynologique Internationale


  1. AKC Please kick out our dogs, So you don't wreck them, like you've done to every other breed, ACD Do not belong and we don't want them to

  2. My wife and I got two Aussie-mix dogs from a shelter last November.. He is 3 years old and mixed with Border Collie while she is 2 years of age and mixed with Pit Bull. They were a pair at the shelter and shared the same cage, eating/water bowl and such. According to the shelter, many wanted either one of the other. My wife and I saw how they interact, and though it would cost more overall, there was no way we could separate one from the other. 8 months now with them I can only say they are the MOST AMAZING PAIR I HAVE EVER SCENE in my 55 years of age. If separated, they cry and act distressed. When together they are playful, protective and fiercely loyal. Honestly speaking, these two are the greatest pair of dogs I have ever seen! Thank you for you video.

  3. Our red heeler was captured by a rancher in eastern Colorado when she was about two years old. He'd been trying to catch her for a year. She was either feral or wild. He was going to put her down, but when he pulled her from the trap, he thought, "She's not so bad," so he called Colorado Cattle Dog Rescue. That's how we got her. Now, ten years later, Rosie seems very content with walks in the park and two square meals a day.

  4. I would be very careful about frisbee: doggie legs are not made for vertical landings. I had a male ACD and his joints were ruined by frisbee. I felt horribly guilty about his early demise at 8 years old. Following one reconstructive surgery. I would never play frisbee with any dog again. Better just to wear them out by hiking or running.

  5. Most of these dogs are to short legged, to heavy bodies to work cattle all day long. Very chesty. Wish the conformation people would keep the working aspect of the dog.

  6. I have has these dogs in my life since I was born. I was raised on an Cattle farm and my Grandfather had them as Working Dogs. He bred them, sold them and worked them. I would never own another Dog. So loyal, Protective, Energetic and full of love. They love to work as hard as they play. Endless energy. Great video.

  7. AKC papers don't mean a darn thing when it comes to Blue Heelers. I've got 2 without papers and they are the most devoted and smartest dogs ever.

  8. Please rescue, regardless of pedigree. Multiple ACDs end up in shelters due to behavioral or unmet expectations concerns. Know your dog's breed specific behaviors and adopt rescues, please.

  9. I have a female blue heeler named Pumpernickel. Husband picked the name. She has chewed up her doghouse and the house shutters. She keeps our cows in check. She is very high energy but super smart. She has a very high pitched piercing bark. Good watchdog. Do not get this breed if you are looking for an apartment buddy. Pumpernickel would RIP your curtains down in 5 seconds flat. These dogs need lots of activity and training. Just wanted to pass on my experience. She is challenging but we love her very much.

  10. it must be? Brown, blue,red? Of course the Bently mark is important! Hell yes it is important, the more white on the head . The more they are going to be deaf, Proven, be careful where you get info. ACD owner for 30yrs. Not to be a buzz kill known for blindness after 12 yrs. Live for 15 t0 17 yrs. Loving proven guards and have nasty bite. Point being after service will you support them after they gave you 100% ?

  11. Conformation dogs are long in the back, short in the leg and heavy built. This is not what the original ACD looked like. The show dogs don't have the ability to work all day like a real cattle dog. That's fine, to each his own. But show people need to quit pretending their dogs retain the original characteristics of the breed. I was at Westminster one year and the cattle dog class looked like fat rottweilers with cattle dog coloring. There's a reason border collie people didn't want their breed accepted by AKC and refused to turn over registry info. So AKC had to invent their own fat, short version of the BC! AKC . . . ruining one breed at a time.

  12. What a pompous, arrogant take on what an ACD should be. These dogs look miserable. Take them off the lease with their heads held up too high and let them work and watch as they are meant to do. AKC is terrible.

  13. an you just leave em on like, a desolate mountain side or give em to a bad dog owner if they dont look perfect right? what percentage of these pup are actually bred for work? do we need this?

  14. Buy from an ethical breeder DNA tests to ensure breeding parents do not pass on genetic diseases. Certifies hearing documentation from specialist not deaf. OFA test on hips.

    Verify DNA results with issuer to make sure not altered. As more breeders follow these standards, ACDs will be genetically sound.

  15. My wife always had small annoying house dogs that I just couldn't take a liking too.
    When the last one went to hell she was so upset she needed a replacement. I said ok ,a cattle dog. I had them and a kelpie as a kid and up until I was 24.
    She agreed ,we bought off a breeder, beautiful little puppy. I then saw a small 50 or something page book on all you need to know about your cattle dog. She read it and said take the dog back.
    She got through the puppy stage, 2 years and became the best dog you could imagine, loving ,playful safe with people and kids, except when my son and his mates played footy out the back. Any one who tackled him got punished accordingly.
    Her only fault was her low tolerance of other animals. She was the boss ,no debate allowed. Even the horse found out the hard way.
    We had 14 of the very best years with her and now finally have another. I said jokingly to my wife ,what breed do you want. What a dumb question.
    She has facebook and talks to people all around the world who have cattle dogs, they share photos and stories. She even has friends from mexico and italy, it's quite funny, it takes months to get a reply until each gets a translater.
    The pictures tell the story. All around the world people just love the ACD.

  16. This is a blast from the past. Bunch of old men and ladies running around in outdated clothing. All of these show dogs look fat. They have never worked a day in their life.

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