Haribo is a Shiba Inu living in Canada.
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#shibainu #puppy #compilation


  1. Hello, we have reached 150K subscribers.
    For those who visited our channel recently, we made a special compilation video of potato Haribo. Enjoy watching it!

    구독자 15만 기념 영상이에요!
    정말 오랜만에 아기 때의 모습을 정리해서 담아봤어요.
    즐겁게 봐주세요!

  2. I have 5 shibas now as I type and have lost 3 shiba friend over the years. I love my Shiba, loyal fierce babies sooo much. Thank you they are my darlings. !!!

  3. From your video, I think you were taking "Haribo" across the Lions Gate to North Vancouver. I love how cute the puppy is.

  4. I chanced upon your video and can’t resist the cuteness of this chubby puppy. She is really really cute. Love her ❤️

  5. ao the squeak noise at 0:47 my dog jackson hears it. and thinks im squeaking one of his toys. and i keep repeating noise on thise video. and he thinks im doing it as im showing him my hands as noise happens. its funny to see

  6. dont train ur dog to use a pee pad, ur just adding an extra step to training them to go outside. potty training ur dog is like the easiest part of raising a dog people

  7. Shibas live a very long time for dogs. In fact the world record oldest dog is a Shiba. Mine lived to be 18yrs old. Feed them well, give them lot's of love and plenty of exercise everyday and Haribo will live a long life.

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