1. Beautiful sight 💓
    Thanks for sharing this 👍 it just melts your heart 💜
    God bless and keep Y'all 🙌🙏

    Is it a boy or girl??

  2. As the spiritual war gets darker we need as ever and more this. The miracle of birth, even as it, too, has it's tragedies, good triumphs more often here and I never saw a person who wasn't brought to big smiles and warmed hearts and become renewed again at least enough to carry on doing what we need to. A baby pretty much baby anything's but humans dogs cats top the list. Because we have them in our homes the most. So sweet to see her get the rest she needs but checks pups ok and safely in her paws. Cute doesn't start to cover it. Yes she is a good mama. Very good. I felt bad for Richie last night in freezing weather where he always goes to be warmer in the winter in a tent high tech and 8 sleeping bags trying to keep iron wood burning alone for miles or seems. More than one comment said you need a dog to alert, get a happy one, you need your back watched while you sleep. I was thinking get one you wanna cuddle with considering it isn't going to warm up in a few days. Bring back 3 Dog Night and get at least a couple and they, too, will keep you alive with no power or solar by body heat. Eskimos have always known what they're doing. They're still around. Plus they guard. Plus unconditional love keeps one excellent company. I don't have to sell you on the value. But had he detoured he could've witnessed this in person. I know he loves being on the road but past couple of nights on Mojave Road he would've traded for being there because every time you see it, it is like a fountain of youth, strength and more. Warmer too. How're the boys keeping themselves occupied? Out of the way? Basic instinct. Give her ice cream and tell her it's from the guys all you great guys. They might be thinking next they'll be bunking with Richie and if they saw his last two shorts they might be concerned. Just kidding. I think. 🥰💚💙🤗

  3. Shouldn't ask but have to. Are you sleeping near them? I was fortunate to be living in a tiny place first time mine had pups, I know I wouldn't have been able to sleep out of sight. I trusted her but it's just too damn sweet and cute to go sleep in another room for me. I want every minute I can. With anyone's pups, a little more privacy for humans. Dogs as close as she's cool with short of in the box lol. Precious moments indeed it goes fast. So damn good. Happy for you all. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  4. OMG❤❤❤😘 best mommy award!!! thanks for sharing Mike!!! Awesome…I'm in love with your dogs!!!!

  5. So absolutely precious! Love how Aspen cuddles her pup! Beautiful!!! Much love and healing energy being sent to all of you! 💖✨🐕

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