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In today’s video, we are going to talk about the Top 10 Most Popular Cat Breeds.

Cats are typically referred to as either domestic or purebred. Domestic cats do not have a pedigree history of their lineage, while purebred cats do. Three main associations recognize purebred cats: The Cat Fanciers’ Association, C F A, The International Cat Association, TICA, and Fédération Internationale Féline, FIFe. The CFA recognizes 44 breeds, TICA recognizes 58, and FIFe recognizes 43. The breeds that are not recognized by all three associations are not as commonly seen as some of the recognized breeds, and several factors are taken into account prior to a cat becoming recognized as a purebred. Smaller associations also exist, such as the Southern Africa Cat Council.

Here is the list of the top 10 Most Popular Cat Breeds.

10. Devon Rex Cat Breed.

Devon Rex cats have a wavy, short hair coat and slender bodies. Their fur is also very soft, and their ears very large.

The Devon Rex is a playful, active cat and is sometimes described as “a monkey in a catsuit.”

9. Sphynx Cat Breed.

If you are looking for a cat that doesn’t shed, then the Sphynx is for you. Sphynx cats look unique due to their lack of fur and are very social, active, dog-like felines.

The Sphynx is neither long-haired nor short-haired. It’s almost hairless. But it also belongs to one of the most popular cat breeds because of this very distinctive characteristic combined with very wrinkled skin.

Sphynx cats do need more care than most cats because they can easily get sunburned or cold. Since their skin tends to oily, they also need regular washing. But having a Sphynx cat is a joy for owners who love energetic felines who will love any opportunity to be close to you.

8. Oriental Shorthair Cat Breed.

At a glance, you may think this slender cat is a Siamese, but Oriental Shorthair cats are a breed all their own. Unlike Siamese cats, they usually have green eyes and can come in many color patterns and colors. A longhair variety also exists.

Oriental Shorthair cats are prone to skin cancer and getting cold due to their lack of fur, so they are often seen wearing sweaters.

7. Birman Cat Breed.

Birmans are other color-pointed cat like the Siamese and Ragdoll. They have blue eyes and a medium-long coat but no undercoat, setting them apart from Persians and Himalayans.

Birmans were used for breeding in the development of Ragdolls, so they look very similar but can have slightly different markings and personalities.

6. Abyssinian Cat Breed.

Originally from Ethiopia, the Abyssinian cat has a distinctive red or orange agouti coat. The agouti fur, which actually means it has bands of light and dark coloring on the individual pieces of hair, gives the Abyssinian its unique look.

Among the most popular short-haired cats, the Abyssinian cat has a very special fur that has bands of color for each individual hair. It’s very distinct and adds to the Abyssinian’s elegant look along with the cat’s smooth and long body.

Abyssinians are very easy to care for because while they love being around their human parents, they are also happy when playing with their toys or with other animals. They have soft, quiet voices and a very active lifestyle full of climbing and jumping.

5. Bengal Cat Breed.

Bengals are wild looking cats—literally. Their markings make them look more like they belong in the jungle than in your home, but they are domesticated cats nonetheless. They are talkative and require a lot of exercises.

Many colors are allowed on Bengals, but their approved patterns only include spots and rosettes. Their name comes from the Asian leopard cat’s taxonomic name, Prionailurus bengalensis, since Bengals were originally bred from both domestic cats and wildcat. They get their beautiful patterns from the wildcat as well.

Though all cats within the breed have different personalities, Bengals are generally active and playful in a kitten-like way, even at an older age. They need pet parents who are willing to keep them busy and entertained, and who are tolerant of a cat who may need a more stimulating, enriched home to thrive.


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