The Australian cattle dog. This one is full of energy, and he needs it. Still used as a herder to this day, he also needs plenty of exercise and is most happy when he’s working. He’s a tough one, his mongrel looks befitting his fearless outlook. Many of these guys never get to old age; the trials of a daredevil lifestyle.

Young ones need daily obedience training, though both pups and adults are as playful as each other. He’ll put up with other dogs, but the cat may get the quiet treatment. He doesn’t like strangers much at first, but will warm to them given time and patience.

When he knows you, he’s generally a sociable little fellow, it kind of goes with the job.
He loves to learn, and training him will be a doddle. When fully trained you can rely on him to be quite the bouncer/doorman. He’ll happily sit up on guard all night, it’s impossible to tire him out!

He loves the outdoors, he loves to run and gather. If you live in an apartment, forget it! He just won’t be happy. Get used to brushing him, he needs to get rid of those dead hairs every week. Depending on their colour they’re known as a ‘blue heeler’ or a ‘red heeler’.

Interesting facts: He can be prone to deafness and OCD. So make sure his food bowls are in a straight line! One of the oldest breeds in the word, today’s Australian Cattle Dog has a bit of Dingo in him too, hence the ‘red heeler’ title! He was also famously the star of Mad Max – The Road Warrior, along with several other hit movies.

The Australian Cattle Dog: An independent and loyal, master of endurance.

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Producers: Kaarel Veike & Tuuli Roosma

Director: Kaarel Veike
Editor: Henri Piiroja, Kaarel Veike
Cinematographer: Arttu Karvonen
Copywriter: Daniel James Coll
Voice-over: Glenn Kalina
Casting and production assistant : Maria Veike

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