There are many things to say when raising an Australian cattle dog puppy. I’ve tried my best to narrow it down to my top 10 tips for new heeler parents bringing home their puppies. These are tips we’ve used to raise all our puppies and can be applied to any puppy, but this list is geared towards the love of our heelers.

#australiancattledog #blueheelers #cattledog #puppytraining

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  1. When Charlie was young he unexpectedly started chewing an extension cord. He immediately got through the insulation and started smoking and peeing. No harm done but he never chewed another extension cord! He was an absolute Maniac until he turned about a year old. Complete turnaround and very well behaved dog after the first year.

  2. This is the second time I've stopped here on your video if I didn't know any better I would say that you just described my blue heeler down to the most minimal of things he wants nothing more than to please me and he does and I wish my husband was a little more patient with him and I wish that he would take my advice on what to do for us to have a great relationship with joker that is his name. I don't like that my husband wants to go straight to like discipline when joker puts his paws up on the bed or something like that my husband don't like that he's shedding and getting hair all over our blanket and stuff like that… I don't neither but I clean it up and I brush him and I bathe him. Joker is by far the most loving dog I've ever seen in my entire life. he literally is at my hip all day everyday. I live here in Houston Texas and right now we have about a hundred degree weather every day and so I don't take joker in the car with me as much as we used to and I won't because of how sickly he gets when he's in the car I don't have AC right now it just went out so I'm not going to risk his life or health by taking him anywhere with me at the moment and I hate that I have to leave him at home because I know it hurts us feelings and my husband says I'm crazy that he doesn't have feelings like that but I know my dog loves me and he wants to be with me and I call him my baby and when I talk to him in regards to myself I call myself his mommy for example I've been like you want Mommy to get you some water do you want some ice with it my husband is like you haven't even talked to our babies as sweet as you do this dog I mean I think my husband's stupid jealous I do joker is just by far the only being I want to be around he's very protective of his property he appreciates hot meals and he loves to freaking cuddle like this dog is a cuddle bug and I absolutely love it so when my husband's not home joker knows that he can get on the bed and cuddle with me I even bought him his very own back scratcher because of the heat he's always itchy and he's got that undercoat and yes I will scratch his back with the back scratcher for like hours on end if he would want me to I buy him his own food like I don't know I just love him so much and it would kill me if anything happened to him and I literally cried when my husband pretended like he was going to hit him with the belt just in getting off of the bed my husband like yanked his belt off just being a total a hole and I screamed and cried thinking he was about to hitting and it caused an argument between me and my husband because this is my person joke joker is my person as I am his he used to lay on my belly and just enjoy my baby moving and kicking underneath them like he would fall asleep on my big pregnant belly I have bonded with this dog like I never thought I would I have never bonded with any animal like this ever but did you have a problem withanyone in your household getting jealous of the love you have for your babies??

  3. Crap. I think I've been over walking him annnnd now he's 6.5 months. 15 mins! Awe man….I've squandered my time. No Gary eats the leash, he thinks it's the tug rope. With training, he literally just kind of did it on his own. I taught him like 2 consistent commands so far, "come" & "wait". Yes, it was about 2 days & thank god, it saved him from getting hit by a car. Omg if I sent you pics of Gary – you'd legit fall in love. You're the best chica. Keep the videos coming pls. Ps. I constantly talk to myself. He's making me look good 😂😂😂 he picks up on words SO fast – I'm trying to curb the Jersey gutter mouth 😭😂

  4. Great informative videos on your channel, I’m picking my 7 week old Heeler on Saturday the 9th 4 hours away

  5. I got a australian shepherd she loves cords, even pulled in one's lol. I woke up at 3 am and had to unplug it bc it was shocking me lol

  6. My partner and I have a border collie x kelpie and after a year, we decided to get him a friend (cattle dog x). We made the mistake of not looking at their history and needs… and take full responsibility for that. We got him from a rescue and he has scars all over his limbs and body so he has some sort of trauma happen. We’ve now had him for a year and it’s been a nightmare. We tried our best to train him the same way we trained our border collie but he quickly turned into a dominant bully. As you mentioned, he attacks his ankles all the time and asserts his dominance. Our border collie has turned into a completely different dog and just seems so depressed all the time. We take them both out twice a day for big runs/hitting the ball in a park with a tennis racket to burn their energy. We leave toys around the house and leave kongs and treats out but still he still is a terror and destroys our house/yard and come home to our border collie depressed from being bullied. He is also now lunging at kids on the lead and is getting aggressive towards other dogs. The other night he attacked our border collie too and ripped a bunch of hair out. We often come home to furniture and stuff around the house being destroyed. We have a tiny property with no room to run, so we always take them to a park but through out the day when we are working they stay inside because we don’t want them to dig holes in the backyard of our rental. Can you please suggest anything we can do? Is this trauma, dominance and behaviour something that can be trained? Or is it a good idea to find him a home on a farm? Again, I take full responsibility for the way he is and I wish I could go back and change the way I did things. Just trying to reach out for help! Thank you for reading.

  7. I have 3 and they are the best my male would do anything for me and they are so smart but they need there running space are they can shred your house lol

  8. what's your thoughts on having other dogs with the new heeler! separate for training I know but interacting with older dogs I have?

  9. Zeus is the liveliest dog I've ever seen. Hafta block him like fighter or he'll punch you in the face with his nose, makes me laugh 😃

  10. I just watched your video, and it brought tears to my eyes. My most faithful and devoted partner, Blue, passed last year at age 15.5. (I also lost my other two younger dogs subsequently-it was an awful year).
    I have a couple newbies now, accidental “gifts” to keep THAT story short! A beagle 10 months, and her bestie, a silver/blue pitbull.
    I tend to always have three dogs. I miss the bond only ever experienced with Blue. I think I will be ready to get a heeler soon, which is funny to say, since until recently, I couldn’t bear the thought of “replacing” my soul mate.
    Thanks for your advice, I agree with most (I’ve spent many hours working with shelter dogs, rescuing preggo mommas, etc).
    If you know of any way to check on the quality of the breeders out there, I’d appreciate such information. There are TOO many breeders IMO—and so it’s hard to sift through especially since they are not local. Im in St. Louis, MO.
    Somehow I think it looks like you are in TX, but I could be wrong. (Your decor)
    Anyway, thanks for reading, and any advice or referrals to any organization that helps with naming good breeders would be awesome.
    Thanks, Donna McCall

  11. You are a good heeler owner. I've got 3. A 2 year old, a 5 year old, and a 15 year old. I didn't hear you day anything I would disagree with. And crate training specifically is a game changer.

  12. My heeler has been w me since he was a puppy he is the most loyal faithful friend and companion he’s my glue & rock – lots of exercise was key walks frisbee throwing tennis ball 🎾 if u can devote the time u will have the most loyal obedient dog ever

  13. 7:59 Potty training- all dogs.
    Step One. Upon Bringing your puppy home, keep him outdoors for an hour. (Take him for a walk if he is older.)
    Step Two. Feed him.
    Step three. (If he is older, take a nap with him.) Take him outside and he will poop. (If he is older, after his nap, he will poop. While napping, don't let the puppy leave your bed. If he starts whining, take him outside.)
    Step four. Congratulations, you are well on the way to training your dog. Dogs are creatures of habit. Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.
    (Works for all wolf hybrids and pure wolves too.)

  14. Hi there. We just rescued a two and half year old cattle dog. She is very scared and timid but has already. Bowen me, mom be ok as her person. Any tips? Three kids and farm life

  15. We adopted a rescue a blue heeler rescue dog. We have had her for 6 months now. She us very skittish and stubborn. She hides behind the end table or under my bed all day. She won’t eat her food unless I put it under the table. We do take her for walks and definitely off leash play time every evening. I need her to interact with us more in the home & not hide

  16. Just watched your thank you to everyone for their support. Sitting at home crying over Sully's illness and your distress. I started my day with a big wow as Warren Haynes (Allman Brothers Band) messaged me a couple of days ago. Now so sad

  17. I rescued a blue Heeler at 8 months old. Didn’t really know anything about the breed. Hired a trainer who has 3 Heeler so she was a wealth of information and help. Game changer for me. My Olive is SUPER smart and incredibly athletic (jumps my 5’ fence standing beside it)! She’s 1 1/2 now and I’m exhausted with her energy, phew. I’ll watch more of your videos. Thanks

  18. Hi Heeler Mama, we have an Azores Cattle dog and it sounds like they´re a very similar breed in all ways, interesting. I´d maybe say our breed is a little tougher around the edges, more molosser type of dog. Very sharp and strong guarding instincs. I´m thinking of getting a partner for our girl, it´ll either be an ACD or a ridgeback. I´m getting that hearding ball you talk about, I think ours will benefit greatly from it. Well wishes from Norway 🇳🇴 – Hanna

  19. Lots of good sensible advice, thank you. Your dogs are adorable. We had a Kelpie X Heeler mix & a Kelpie X Jack Russell. Got to say, the latter is more like a Heeler. Working dogs are great, especially rescues. I miss our Kelpie X Heeler, Dan. He past away a couple of years ago now, I miss him everyday. He was my baby💔

  20. My first heeler pup and it's deaf, making it more challenging. So far so good with all aspects of your 10 points. An escape artist. Suggestions for hand signals would be a huge help, especially recall.

  21. My heeler is really friendly. She met my brother in law, his wife, their kid, and two of my nephews last weekend. She was absolutely having a ball.

  22. I want a dog and my husband is on board. I’ve owned many breeds but none that choose one human. I don’t want him choosing my husband. How can this be avoided?

  23. My husband was given a Healer, at only 5 weeks old. She would Suck on a Blanket. Continued Sucking on Blankets, until She died at 15vyrs 2 months old. She would be at the time. We Named Her Queenie and She was My Shadow. She was soooo Very Loyal to Me and My husband and I loved how She took to Both of Us. I have MS/Lupus and She even understood when ever I had a flare or was to Fatigued to walk Her, She would actually became a great Support Dog, for Me., She was My Helper. She Loved Our of the Families/Grandkids. We were All soooo Blessed Having Her. Sadly, at 15 years old, she had a Cough, and took Her to the Vet. We were shocked to find out that She had Cancer in Her Right Lung. We ended up having to make a hard decision to have Her Put To Sleep. She was 15 yrs 2 MO old, it will be 1 year ago, on November 30th, 2022. We Miss Her everyday. 10 years before, She found a little Mixed Terrir dog, about 1 old, so We have Queenie to Thank for Our Little Bits. We got Her, as Queenie always run to the front door if She heard anything. She barked and barked until Ivwentvto see why She kept up the barking. Then as I opened my door, the puppy ran in . Hungry/Thistle and Wet, from the Dew on the front lawn. Queenie found Her, so she could have a Sister to Play with. This helped Us with now, we don't have Queenie anymore. I Loved All 10 of Your Advice on Cattle Dogs. I hope to get another Healer One day. God Blessed Us with Queenie, and added Little Bits,, to Love.

  24. my heeler is 14 weeks old and she’s already potty trained i think it really depends on how much u reward them when they go so they know or feeding them at a specific time. they are quick learners and are adorable smart dogs i recommend getting one if you’re ready for the challenge too!

  25. Love this advice! We just adopted a 3.5 month old husky/red heeler mix. She’s definitely a people pleaser. She’s imprinted on me but is taking well to my husband as well in the first week at home. She’s incredibly active but our 7 year old GSD/lab is patient with her and teaching her the potty ropes.

  26. Found my heeler on the side of the road one day in July this year. She couldn't have been more than 2 months old. Wasn't sure about getting a dog because I've never had one of my own before. Brought her back home just so I could think about what to do and within an hour she already chose me as her "person". Following me around everywhere, sleeping by my feet, looking around for me when she couldn't see me right away. Needless to say, she's still with me and she's turned into my best buddy. Goes everywhere with me and she never lets me out of her sight. Great dogs.

  27. Thank you for posting this! I've never had a Heeler before, and when I heard about how highly intense their puppy stage is it made me a bit cautious about getting one. After my last dog (German Shepherd/Malnois mix) it's been hard to even think about starting over with a new puppy; especially one of a breed I'm unfamiliar with. After watching your videos I feel far more confident about what to expect and how to handle their specific needs. We're adopting a male 4 month old Red Heeler tomorrow and I've been so nervous/excited that all I can seem to do is take in as much info about them as possible. Must have watched at least 20 or so videos and your channel by far has been the most helpful! Needless to say I'll be coming back regularly so that I can continue learning how to be the best companion I possibly can for my dog 👍

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