The Manx cat, is a breed of domestic cat originating on the Isle of Man, with a naturally occurring mutation that shortens the tail.

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Many Manx have a small stub of a tail, but Manx cats are best known as being entirely tailless; this is the most distinguishing characteristic of the breed, along with elongated hind legs and a rounded head. Manx cats come in all coat colours and patterns, though all-white specimens are rare, and the coat range of the original stock was more limited. Long-haired variants are sometimes considered a separate breed, the Cymric. Manx are prized as skilled hunters, and thus have often been sought by farmers with rodent problems, and been a preferred ship’s cat breed. They are said to be social, tame and active. An old local term for the cats on their home island is stubbin. Manx have been exhibited in cat shows since the 1800s, with the first known breed standard published in 1903.


  1. Manx cats derive from ship's cats landing on the island and becoming feral.
    The lack of tail is a mutation caused by the limited gene pool available.
    Like pedigree cats, they are over-inbred. At least they have an excuse.

  2. My Manx doesn't talk at all, except in the morning when she wants to be brushed. Just a few squeaks, really. I've only seen her jump up on one lap for all the 7 years I've had her. My cat does not follow me around, although he doesn't like it when I am away. A very good mouser. I think this video pertains to this man's Manx, not to the Manx breed in general.

  3. Anyone know if Manx often suffer from nervous system problems due to missing/incomplete vertebrae down at the tail?

    I brought two semi-feral tailless kittens (fluffy and beautiful) home from my grandmas rural home; one couldnt control her pee or poop at all, poor thing, the other had only minor pooping issues and she has been a good kitty for 5 years. The former I mercy-killed with a couple quick shotgun blasts, Catgod rest her little soul.

    The vet explained the problem to me and that there is no cure/fix, but I never figured out how or why this occurred. I think she mentioned inbreeding but I cant recall. Semi-feral cats with weird genetics I guess?


  4. Just recently lost my stumpy manx Scottie ;_;

    Manx cats are just wonderful. I've still got his brother and mother but damnit I miss him!

  5. I love how they are so 'chatty' if you will, sometimes even mimicking small words like, no, yeah, mom!

  6. My manx, Cheddarbob, is precious! He's my shadow. Although he's very social and loves to be picked up. I've never been a cat person but he's my baby ♡

  7. man this guy hit the nail on the head with the manx breed, my fergie is 8 years old and she's exactly how he described the species.

  8. Are these cats good with other cats i have a manx kitten right now and its a food bully with the bigger cats. I dont want it to get big and hurt another kitty.

  9. I have a kitten with no tail and he is from a male with huge muscle that is wild! And a alley cat from the momma! How do I no what his breed is! I’m trying to tame him and he is six weeks old and runs away from any human but there was three kittens with no tails and I’m assuming he is a canx from what I’ve read! He is gonna be a roughest cat for me to tame! I can’t even pick him up he runs at anything of humans wanting to pick up and love on he is so cute! I don’t no his gender also!

  10. My manx is a blue and he is 27 lb. Hes maybe a tad over weight but he us 35 inches long and at his highest point in his back he is 15 and half inches tall. Best cat I've ever owned and yes he sure is like a dog. My father adores my cat and his personality . Are all manx 6 toed ?

  11. My wife and I have fostered cats for over a decade and now have experienced our first Manx Cat. I love this breed.

  12. Wow this video litterally described my cat to a tee! I’ve had my manx since I was 14 shes 9 now we’ve grown up together n she’s my best friend one of the smartest and loyal species of cats…. one time a raccoon came inside my house and my mom was in the kitchen and my cat stepped in between the raccoon and my mom and chased it out of the house protecting us, she follows me around my complex everywhere

  13. Best guard animal we ever had were our farm dog Charlie and my dad Manx Salem. He had a tail and it was super long, and he was the buffest cat I've ever seen next to a mountain lion. He knew how to sic em. And he liked to go on walks. When you entered our neighborhood there was no bird life or squirrels or anything. Just dead silence because he hunted everything, and every morning he'd go door to door and be greeted by our neighbors who would feed him XD. He was the best cat! He ran off and hung around the bar sometimes and people would give him beer in a saucer. Manliest dog hunting cat we ever seen

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