An unusual little bobtail, cute equilateral face, round bright eyes, an active affectionate personality, and an overall playful nature makes owning a Japanese Bobtail cat every cat lover’s dream.

But that is not all that is there to know about Japanese Bobtail Cats.
In this video, I am going to lay out 10 fascinating facts about the Japanese Bobtail cats that will make you fall in love with them if you already aren’t.

Standing true to their names the Japanese Bobtail cats are believed to originate from the Land of the Rising Sun.

That being said, in a moment you will see that their genetics actually point to a very different origin story.

The Japanese bobtail cats have medium builds with the average cat weighing anywhere from 6 to 10 pounds.

The breed is native to Southeast Asia along with Japan, though now it can be found almost everywhere in the world.

As is the case with most breeds, the Japanese Bobtail cats can have any coloration or a mixture of colors arranged in a number of patterns.

Predominantly it is observed that the Japanese and cat lovers, in general, prefer white calicoes owing to its root in ancient Japanese folklore which we are going to learn in a moment.

Alright, now that I have created sufficient intrigue in you;

Let’s go ahead and look into 10 fascinating facts about the Japanese Bobtail cats that will leave you amazed.

Prefer Reading Instead? :

Also Watch:
Top 10 Strange Calico Cat Facts :
World’s Tiniest Cat :

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  1. I definitely noticed a VISIBLE difference in the back legs of JBTs, so it was cool to know that they are actually more muscular and great jumpers, and I wasn’t just imagining it. Lol.

  2. Got one a few weeks ago, she appeared on the edge my roof and quietly meowed at me as I left for work at 6am. I thought she was my other black cat so I meowed back and went to work. When I got home from work she was still up there and in the daylight I could tell she wasn’t my Luna-tic. Half the size and could see she was half starved. I talked, meowed, cooed, chirped and purred along with some slow blinks and squints got her to come down (cat peeps will know). Gave her food and water outside by our door and she eventually came in found a spot and slept for like 2days. She’s such a sweetheart we named her Bobbie Sue.
    After weeks of proper eating she is back to weight and looking good. But as of today she seems to have 0 desire to play, she even ignores the cats arch nemesis, the dreaded laser dot. But perhaps that will change as whatever trauma she went through fades into history.

  3. The story goes that a businessman was allegedly saved from being struck by lightning when he noticed a cat beckoning him. Just as he left the cover of the tree he was under, lightning struck the tree. He was so grateful that he handsomely rewarding the family of the cat. What the businessman was actually seeing was the cat grooming itself.

  4. I have a rescued cat from Singapore and the appearance is exactly like a Japanese bobtail. Mostly white with calico coloured patches on the butt area and the ears. He has a bobtail about 3 inches long. He sings and talks a lot and loves to cuddle up in the bed with us. He follows me around in the house. Very friendly but scared of children or in general loud noise or people. Loves to meet other cats and sings and talks to them a lot. Though he has those long hind legs and muscular body, he is not confident at jumping though. Anybody know why is that? Is it because he is an indoor cat?

  5. We have a few cats and one of them is a japanese bobtail. The funny thing is, my 3 year old is convinced that hes NOT a cat. We keep telling her hes a cat too, but she just laughs and says "no he's not". Must be the tail. I will say though that we've had nothing but absolute garbage luck in our lives since adopting our bobtail. I'm sure it's just a coincidence though.

  6. My calico coloured cat has all the JBT traits but one thing that really standout about her is her beautiful round-almond-big eyes🥰 She is my wholelife my adorable baby and she was born from a stray-cat mummy. Brilliant cat 🥰her name is Bacha’♥️♥️

  7. The one piece of information I cannot find is are they winter/cold weather tolerant? Its said minimal undercoat and it usually means no. Though they have a longhair subtype, but that may not be enough. Now the Kurrilian Bobtail which is on Russian Islands North of Japan are cold and winter tolerant (much harder to find though). Both breeds are likely related as JBT's are all over the place in that part of Asia but could have been separated long enough for Kurrilians to have adapted and developed differently enough to the colder environment. (Makes me wonder about JBTs in Hokkaido, if they have undercoats or not as the winters there can be rough compared to the rest of Japan)

  8. I'm in love with calico cats after in childhood i saw one and japanese bobtails always looked as sweet energetic dream i can agree with all nine points only final 1# is wrong at some points
    1. Even if cats are energetic and nice some children that scream and can't leave 'mr. kitty' for some time alone, some little disrespectfull brats that says 'i know mommy mr.kitty is not a toy' and then be mad when kitten hisses that sort of garbage little naughty brats that should be punished can't have even one of the most or maybe the nicest cat in world.I know that cats have a good influence for kids but children mostly don't deserve cats.And what about little babies about 'daddy's son','mommy's daughter' if you had even the cat like japanese bobtail you can't expect cat to like some random thing that steals attention loved ones this is how cat 'baby hell' starts then this monsters starts to grow lets look it as cat would do- you can't do anything to it but it can everything it want do.Yes, i do hate children.
    2.The name of breed 'japanese bobtail' and writen under it 'bobtails are nice and great for families' just make me laught it don't depend on me or you not on family it DEPENDS ON CAT
    p.s. im not from english speaking nation so im sorry for any mistakes

  9. I was walking in one of our local parks this morning and I saw one of these cats I did not know what it was because I never seen this type of cat before! And it looked Wild not like a house cat maybe it was and maybe it was this exploring. But I do have continuous synchronicities of all kinds.

  10. Last year my husband and I took in a beautiful, friendly and extremely appreciative Japanese Bobtail. He appeared in our yard one day and was just too friendly and loving to ignore, he has been the most wonderful addition to our family and simply fit right in with everyone. I highly recommend this breed, they are calm, loving, playful, gentle, unbelievably smart, and unusually good looking. Here is a link for more information on them…..

  11. うちにも一匹います。ジャパニーズボブテイルの特徴に匂いってないのかな?うちの子はオスだけど、子供のころからずーっと赤ちゃんみたいないい匂いがします。ほかにも猫はいるけど、その匂いはこの子だけです。

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