1. I am so stoked you have an ACD in training. As an Aussie, ACDs are the dogs i have always had, with other breeds over the years. Please if you can let people in the USA know how many of this fantastic breed are in animal shelters, because people buy them, with no conception of their needs. I am bias, but properly trained they are the best dogs…so focused on their humans so desiring of pleasing, so trainable, so smart. If you know the breed or if you use the services of a trainer like you, you can rescue an adult dog and get the best thing on four legs. I am watching his progress with interest. Thanks

  2. I love most of your videos and theory in dog training but I don’t believe in baiting and not giving. I do use food in training but as quickly as possible it’s removed. So I will teach down with pressure and lure and reward for the work but once the dog is responding and understand I take away the food. I also don’t feed out of a bowl and I do feed a balanced raw diet. After a series of work rewarding with praise and toy and the work itself and at the end I throw the raw while my dogs catch and this is how to earn their food. They work to earn their food.

  3. You are showing a piece of meat too big to actually give to a dog with no mention of that. I had a heeler choke to DEATH on a piece of cheese smaller than that chunk of meat! Tragic. Still not over it.

  4. I dont think this is a wrong way to train the dog but it doesn't look that effective because of how sad It looks

  5. It's right, not to feed treats. Butyou don't need to work so much with the leash! I never would pull the leash to get a sit or a down.

  6. Treats are for reward. There is nothing wrong with rewarding good behavior. Not rewarding good behavior is going to cause a trust issue with you and that very smart blue heeler, this could be an issue when practicing recall…. especially if in a public place.

  7. Amazing you're in the city with a cattle dog who needs a job or a lot of exercise or he becomes nasty and chews and destroys everything

  8. Is it fair to say you don’t like feeding treats? JK Hanu is extremely attentive and I bet he was fairly easy to train. My cousin’s Blue Heeler was one of the smartest dogs I’ve ever seen. He learned his name in about fifteen minutes. He was also taught to lead a horse by putting a lead rope in his mouth and calling his name. After about three days, the lead rope was attached to a halter on a horse and he just took to it naturally!

  9. Only in some cases dogs could be lactose intolerant but for the most part they are not. Also meat is perfectly natural to give to your dog, after all they are carnivores. There is not much difference between hotdogs and the meat byproduct in dog food.

  10. Of course the guy with the crow has a cattle dog. I've had lots of fun watching cattle dogs chase crows. My second ACD thought he could chase airplanes.

  11. train dog with treats the dog only think of the treat after I train dog he in his pen thinking about the training after a few hour I then feed him my be two hours train and one hour in his pen then he gets too play round with the other dogs the slow you train the dog the better the dog turns out Its not hard to train dog but its time taking.

  12. Damn thank god he said not to use the food technique in the second session I've only been in my 1 session thanks for the tip great video👍

  13. He definitely does not want you to give that dog food …… I mean no food dammit … don’t even think about food

  14. I have a heeler too and I agree, if you give treats to these dogs they will understand that very quickly and bark for treats , I do alot of off leash training but I wouldn't ever do it in the city/streets without one. They are fast and pretty stubborn but they get easier with routine like kids.

  15. Do u have a video on how to stop ACD from barking at people. My puppy was abuse by a man amd I'm afraid he will never trust people again. 😢

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