What Life is Like with a Belgian Shepherd Tervuren | Q and A

Some of the questions answered in this Q&A video:
– How did you come up with Rancho’s name?
– Does Rancho protect his family?
– Where are you from?
– Do Belgian Shepherds shed a lot? Specifically the Tervuren.
– What is your favourite thing to do?
– What is your favourite thing about Rancho?
and you’re also gonna get to see some cute Belgian Shepherd puppy pics 🙂

If you have any more questions, drop them down below and when there’s enough questions, we’ll do another video.

Thanks to our friend Xander for tagging us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDDlXipObMU

If you liked the video, let us know in the comments below. It’ll make us very happy if you share, like and subscribe! And don’t forget to hit the bell so that you’re notified every time we post a new video.

And you can also follow Rancho on Instagram! Here’s the link: https://www.instagram.com/rancho_the_dog

Rancho the Dog is a 4 year old Belgian Shepherd Tervuren. There are 4 varieties of the Belgian Shepherd Dog – the Malinois (short coated), the Groenendael (black long-coated), the Lakenois (wire-haired) and the Tervuren (basically a long-coated Malinois, as far as color is concerned)



  1. Hi Rancho! I did enjoy learnin' more about you furiend. Thankz you for the shout out. 🤝 Humom sez she'd likez to tip one of thoze beerz with your humanz. 🍻 Buddy, I would havez to go with the chimkin over the playz. 🤔 Big tail wagz! ~ Xander Greyhound 🐾

  2. I think Rancho will hesitate first few seconds when someone attacks you because, he is not trained to do so. Then his protective instincts will kick in.

  3. I already knew that 😁, Rancho is indian name , I am indian and I have watched 3 idiots many times, How was the film in English dub,The character Rancho is very funny, I wondered that 3 idiots is also famous in foreign countries.

  4. Could Tervuren's be good dogs for first time owners if they are looking for a dog for obedience, agility, nosework and conformation if they had dogs growing up? I'm looking at different herding breeds. Are they able to settle down at the end of the day if they got exersize? I keep hearing different things about the off switch

  5. My dog "KAI GOLD LISA'S PRAISE" (Kai) is the BRN Working line Belgian Malinois but looks very much more like a Terverun. What I noticed about him as an adolescent was that if he became your "friend" he also became your "protector." I was in the park and a young man asked to pet him. I said 'sure." Then we parted ways. The young man was up running on a track and another friend ran up and hit him from behind playing. My dog Kai went crazy on the leash! Barking and leaped into the air and wanted to go after the guy who hit his friend! Since then he's also shown that he will defend me without any training to do so whatsoever.

  6. Dear Rancho Family, I think I have watched all your videos 3 times already!! We are getting a Tervuren in a few months and we are so excited. Do you think you would do a video on the first things you trained your dog to do?

  7. We are from South Africa and have our first Tervuren he is now 16 month's old and remind me so much of your beloved Rancho. And what you told us about Rancho is exactly what Paco does his so much and more what a great breed to have we just fall in love with him 💕💕💕 enjoy your video so much !

  8. I never had an occasion for Epic to protect me by bite. He did save me twice in a situation where a man kept encroaching towards me at the bank. Just his look as he had an all black face and mane. He backed him off just with his beautiful terv looks. He started protection work before his epilepsy diagnosis. The hair on the floor was the same with me. I brushed him once a week not blowing coat time. Blowing coat time, daily as he was uncomfortable with the clumps coming out. Only twice a year. Females are easier in the care of coats. I also trained him to ignore other dogs, he did very well. If you show they have to. Other dogs barked at him frequently. Owners said only with him. He probably gave off alpha vibes!! I ran him every morning also. Same schedule as tervs need structure. Still miss him madly. Love watching Rancho!! The behavior is the same. Sweet, kind and loves you immensely!! ♥️

  9. Dogs know. Trust me. I have a neighbor that was a very nice looking young man and acted very kindly but my Scotch collie did not like him at all. Then I caught the guy breaking into my car. Dogs know. Trust me

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