Watch This Before Getting a Belgian Shepherd | 5 Questions to Consider
In this video we talk about 5 questions you should ask yourself before getting a Belgian Shepherd. If you’re considering getting a Belgian Shepherd, whether it’s a Belgian Tervuren, Groenedael, Malinois or Laekenois, this video will help you decide if this breed is the right choice for you.
1:09 – How much exercise – physical or mental – does a Belgian Shepherd need?
4:09 – Training your Belgian Shepherd
5:32 – Family Dog
7:15 – How well do Belgians tolerate bad weather?
8:32 – Shedding
+ bonus question

Video about our favorite dog brush:

Rancho’s GEAR:
Rock Collar:
Nonstop Line Grip Harness:
Nonstop Line Harness (without handle):
Nonstop Touring Bungee Adjustable Leash:
Rock Leash:
Nonstop Combined Harness (a pulling harness):
Protector Booties:
Long Distance booties:
Paw Care Lotion:
White Fish Omega:
Safe Life Jacket:

– all the products we recommend have been tested by Rancho and have worked great for us. We only recommend things we trust.

Toothpaste –
Toothbrush –
Nail Clippers –
Shampoo –
Durable Food Dispensing Ball –


Follow Rancho on Instagram! Here’s the link:

Rancho the Dog is a 4 year old Belgian Shepherd Tervuren. There are 4 varieties of the Belgian Shepherd Dog – the Malinois (short coated), the Groenendael (black long-coated), the Lakenois (wire-haired) and the Tervuren (basically a long-coated Malinois, as far as color is concerned)



  1. My Groenendael is on the way. Thank you for sharing this. You covered some things I needed to know. At what age did you begin basic training with Rancho?

  2. I dont mind dog hair but how is it that some dogs can shed of more hair than on their entire bodies, if Cruella devil wanted a belgian shepherd coat she could have just went to a dog groomer and have enough for a dog fur onsie

  3. The ending hit home for me! I did my research but I taught myself everything I know about training in order to prepare and had to learn along the way because I was never in a spot long enough to get him professionally trained. Five years later I have a baby and they love each other and he’s been patient with us both. They are the silliest and sweetest and give the best cuddles and hugs I think because they really get into it. I love them so much but I don’t think I’m getting another. Are you on Facebooks Belgian page? It’s a wonderful group.

  4. I absolutely adore this bread of the Belgian shepherd – do you think it’s possible to raise such a boy in a small town apartment?…

  5. Do you think any of the bsd’s make good first time dogs? I grew up with smaller dogs, but I’ve always been interested in having a larger dog that I can run/bike/hike with (for example) in a few years or so (my first dog of my own, not a family dog). I particularly like the bsd because they are leaner/smaller than the gsd. Thoughts?

  6. So what did you do when Rancho broke his leg to satisfy his need for mental and physical stimulation, if you don't mind me asking?

  7. I tell ya something, my friend had one and when she growled, the entire neighborhood stood to attention!

  8. I appreciate your honesty. Thank you. 30 yrs ago, I rehomed a 7yr old Tervuren (Major) and his elderly 'Dad' (Rebel). Never owned a dog before. Rebel lived for 9 months and we buried him on the moors where we walked. Major grew old with us and was eventually buried with his Dad on the moors. He had 3-4 walks a day, had fun, learned new tricks every day, it was intuitive and way before we had YT to help us. I didn't know then about food luring or any of that stuff. He just did it 'cos he trusted me and loved me. He'd sit, down, stay on hand command, speak on command, all of this at 50m+ distance, play, swim, it was all so much fun. I loved every minute. He did too. He was content. My second wife has never had dogs and is afraid of them. I hanker so much for a dog in my life again and believe that I can show my wife that they can become trusted family members. I answered Yes to all of the questions but the stumbling block for my wife will be the hair, despite all of the grooming. My heart is in it. We live immediately next to a large space of public land, behind that – there is the beach, miles of it. We are both active. I'm nearly retired, working from home, have the time. Because of the hair, I'm thinking a Malinois would create less volume, be easier to keep well groomed? maybe be less of an issue for my wife? I think I'm up for it and my wife will begin to accept and to love him/her. So many scare stories of Malinois on YT that I don't accept. I'm nearly 65 y.o. and in good fitness and health. I'd like to rescue TBH. Would I be taking on too much do you think? I think not, but I'm looking for guidance. Slightly concerned about taking on a rescue in such a highly active breed with potentially confused personalities.. All help would be gratefully received. Thank you. Roy

  9. Is Rancho a working line or show line Tervuren? How would you explain his temperament as a puppy ….. can you explain what to look for when selecting a puppy?

  10. I have a groenendael. My first dog. Havn t spent a peny. Every other dog owner i come accross are impressed with my dog. She does nt think when i give a command. She just trust me. So what you say except for the time commitment part EVERY DAY is mostly full of shit. Sorry for my english not native speaker

  11. Hey!
    Is it a good idea if while im at work/school i take the dog to a dog daycare where they can run play socialize? And when im done with scool is took them home and maybe take them for a walk or train them a bit.

    I look forward to the answers!

    I love your videos! They are sooo good and interestin.❤️
    Have a good day everybody! ❤️

  12. Belgians are a constant going concern.
    If you are not VERY well prepared, remember you will likely be the second smartest person in the room – and you won't like it.
    I knew people who had a pair of them – wonderful dogs.

  13. These dogs are, as the video explains in helpful, articulate wording, 24/7. That's TWENTY FOUR SEVEN! No if's, buts or maybes.
    That is teh commitment and dedication they demand. Yes, these dogs will tell you what they want! They are incredibe communicators.
    They will return your inputs and investments in them, one hundred fold. You will learn to adore them, love them, like a son or a daughter…only, unlike the son and daughter they won't give you any grief. The most amazing companion you could ever hope for.

  14. Waaaay to much thinking involed here. I got mine at the pound and we had a great life together just did whatever, walks in the park, try to play in pools tho he hated swimming, fetch all day long lol. Lived to 15 would recomend this breed to everyone without question.

  15. 5 yes and 1 maybe. I'm not a very active person by nature but I want to be. And I have been more active recently. I'm getting a Groenendael pup in 2 weeks and I've already looked into training and swim lessons and obstacle courses we can do. I want him happy and I really do feel that I'm going to love him so much that I'd do anything to make sure his needs are meant and by doing so he's going to motivate me and make me better. I'm excited 😁

  16. sono pienamente d'accordo. Nella foto profilo puoi vedere "Spock" di Torre d'Arese (Italy). Spock da 3 anni a questa parte, riposa in pace nel mondo a colori dove tutti gli animali giocano assieme. Spock è stato un cane fantastico, forte, saggio, intelligente, attivissimo, dolcissimo, tostissimo, equilibrato, paziente, meraviglioso coi bambini e coccolone. Attualmente ho Jedi (maschio groenendael) e Chubecca detto Ciuby (maschio Tervueren) entrambi sempre del grandioso allevamento Torre d'Arese di Enzo Poledri e Bruna Bolzoni. Cani fantastici, equilibrati, sani, forti e affidabili.

  17. The Tervuren must have some Collie in it. To me it is the most beautiful dog on earth. I could never responsibly have one though. High maintenance, but a lot of bragging rights, just like having an extremely muscular American Bully that you weight train.

  18. I got my Tervuren as a rescue at 2.5 months old. Had one dog before, a Saint Bernard. Nothing alike. This dog is mean. I have to walk him with a muzzle. He wants to kill any animal he sees. It’s quite embarrassing. He looks exactly like the dog in the video, long hair, super cute, till he sees a dog, cat, squirrel, you name it. And he doesn’t like men. Had three trainers, for months. He never changed or got better. I can’t even take him to the vet, he will try to kill all the dogs there. Super embarrassing. He’s now 7 years old. I wish he was nice.

  19. I have a meet and greet with a boy tomorrow. Family did not know what they were getting into and he is too high energy for them. I am a little apprehensive as well. I have a Labrador and she is high energy as well. I may never get to sleep again. IDK.

  20. I guess the bottom line is still that you can never learn enough to compare to the experience of having one. And like with babies, you grow to the task or you were not made for it. You can be concerned if you can do it and commit to it only so much. In the end it's trial by fire and you'll learn if you can meet the challenge. Some people will never show that they're capable of it until they have a real requirement and then they just excel at it. Yes, I'm terrified if I was active and dedicated enough and will have time for the next 15 years. But truth be told you'll never know before hand for certain, life can be unexpected even if you thought you are ready. On the other hand being concerned before hand is probably a good sign of importance and dedication to good care.

  21. This video has so much integrity in every single word that, even though I don’t know you from a bar of soap, I have absolutely nothing but the deepest respect for you! If ONLY all dog owners treated getting a pet, this seriously, it would be a much better world.

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