In today’s video, we discuss some of the lesser known facts about the Belgian Shepherd Dog. If you have a Belgian Shepherd, whether it’s a Tervuren, Laekenois, Groenendael or Malinois, I’m sure you’ll know what I’m talking about.
We discuss the differences between German Shepherd and Belgian Shepherd, the personality traits of Belgian Shepherds and more.
At the start of the video, we take you on a little trip around the lake. A new wooden walkway has recently been opened near the Veveri castle and we had to check it out. We took our drone with us and and I think it did a great job capturing the gloomy autumn atmosphere. We hope you like it.

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This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something we’ll receive a small commission.

Rancho’s GEAR:
Rock Collar:
Nonstop Line Grip Harness:
Nonstop Line Harness (without handle):
Nonstop Touring Bungee Adjustable Leash:
Rock Leash:
Nonstop Combined Harness (a pulling harness):
Protector Booties:
Long Distance booties:
Paw Care Lotion:
White Fish Omega:
Safe Life Jacket:

– all the products we recommend have been tested by Rancho and have worked great for us. We only recommend things we trust.

Toothpaste –
Toothbrush –
Nail Clippers –
Shampoo –
Durable Food Dispensing Ball –


And you can also follow Rancho on Instagram! Here’s the link:

Rancho the Dog is a 4 year old Belgian Shepherd Tervuren. There are 4 varieties of the Belgian Shepherd Dog – the Malinois (short coated), the Groenendael (black long-coated), the Lakenois (wire-haired) and the Tervuren (basically a long-coated Malinois, as far as color is concerned)



  1. It's a drone capture wow really amazing View is stunning and Rancho is sure the best character to make everything here perfect smart looking as always And thank you soo much for all the knowledge you have shared Slowmo at the snow really amazing 🥰🥰 Rancho is a real darling 🥰🥰

  2. You guys (dad?) are really good with the drone! Any interesting mistakes so far? Nice shots from the bridge under the castle.

  3. Great video 🙂 Elvis is my first Tervuren so I don´t know if they all do it – but Elvis drool. It happens when he is very active, concentrated or waiting for food. I didn´t know that he would do that…


  5. Great info! I’ve always struggled to keep weight on my Belgian Malinois male. He’s always been lean and has finally started to fill out at 2 years old!

  6. This was a wonderful video. Thank you so much. I loved the way you shot the early parts of the video – the high (drone?) shots and the scenery – just beautiful. Thank you also for the information. My little Grienendael (8 weeks now) was born with a small bit of frosting under the chin! I learn so much from your videos and hope I shall be as good a Mum to my boy as you both are to Rancho. 😎😊

  7. Beautiful drone images of the autumn landscape. must be really wonderful to walk there. Your summary was clear and recognizable. you can really see how slim the dogs are when they are wet. my brother-in-law recently asked when Fenna got out of the water … ahhh Fenna, you have to walk with those thin legs..( he is the owner of a Labrador )… Tervs seem fragile out of the water when wet. Keep up the good work with these interesting and beautiful edited videos! 👌👋👋👊

  8. Awesome drone shots 😀😀😀😀😀 wow.. that is indeed surprising that they are so light.. great info again ❤❤❤❤❤ full watch including ads as always 👍👍👍👍👍stay safe my dear friend 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  9. 👍❤mon tervueren est très ressemblant à ce que vous décrivez
    Toujours prêt à faire au mieux pour ses proches
    Il aime jouer, surtout la balle, il ne me quitte pas et vient me solliciter pour ses sorties quotidiennes, ses envies avec ses jouets
    C'est un animal reconnaissant, respectueux et respectable
    Nous sommes complices et inséparables ❤❤❤

  10. The "frosting" information was new to me, and so useful to hear!!! As always, you and Rancho are great professors about our breed (and I still love the Rancho the Professor video from way back!!) Thank you (and thanks to your drone for amazing aerial shots of your beautiful surroundings!)

  11. I love the way you describe your dog temperament, you are very proud of him. The Belgian is a very tough and intelligent can learn at once, but don't have atempered instinct by decades of selection like the german shepherd, so is a nice police dog but in many circumstances a dangerous dog, the socialized concept never applied totally to them, if the dog have more genetic purity, more protection will give to you and his home, you don't need to teach him is only instinct, so in this …begin the problem because you can low the basic instinct but never banned. And effectively is skinny dog but much much strong than a German and because his big size and small weight can run the doble, and hit a prey with so force that can brake the bones, the knee etc even accidentally when playing to chase, is a great dog but a professional dog I'm not recommended for kids or new owners, eat a lot, and I mean a lot, including free lactose milk, premium dog food, chicken, etc. And is a dog than demands a lot of affection, and can remains seat by your side only for the satisfaction of feeling protect you. Nice dog

  12. Another thing about Belgians is the AKC is an absolute mess compared to other dog breed organizations. My Groenendaal got her papers nuked because her grandsire was a Canadian Terv that got shown in one single AKC show. If the dog had not been shown, my dog could be registered because they care 2 generations within the AKC but they don’t care at all on imports that have no AKC history for 2 generations. The goofiest thing is, I could still register my Belgian in Canada or Europe and have puppies then be allowed to register those puppies as imported AKC dogs 🤦‍♀️ This all was discovered when one of my dog’s littermates started winning in a lot of shows so that the owners of a dog that was losing to her dug into the dog’s bloodline and found this problem and reported it to the AKC just to keep the dog and the competition out of the ring. Such disgusting sportsmanship and totally unaligned with how this breed should be treated, as they do in Europe where the breed originated, they are one breed with coat varieties.

  13. I have commented on your videos several times as I always enjoy them. In one of those comments I told you how it was important to me to have my dog be obedient off-leash. It's not hard. But today I had another dog attack my dog and it was not a pretty scene. I wished I had had a weapon with me because the attack went on longer than I would have liked. I'm not trying to frighten you, I just want you to have something in the back of your head to know that you need to be prepared for those types of things that you hope will never happen

  14. I cannot keep weight on my long-haired Scotch collie Titus either. I hit people accusing me of starving my dog when I feed him almost twice as much as the recommended amount and it's very high quality food

  15. I knew all of that.
    My Tervueren is larger than the most other Tervueren I know and he developed muscles and weight at the age of four.
    I knew also that this breed is quite fast forward and so the first thing I taught him was to calm down. This was very important for the "sports" I'm doing with him : Hoopers and mantrailing. He is more concentrated and more able to listen to me.

  16. I have a mixed Malinois and he's very thin, in spite of me feeding him a boiled turkey meat or beef everyday with his dry dog food.
    When he was younger, he was much thinner and people on street would ask me, why he so thin, like I'm not feeding him on purpose.
    Plus, he has a sensitive stomach, for instance, he cannot digest chicken meat and rice.
    And he has a white fur around his mouth and nose from 8-9 month old.

  17. I assume the light build is part of the equation to why belgies don't seem to have as many physical health problems with for example joints as some other breeds of the size and energy.

    I remember some breed descriptions warning about overfeeding belgies or they become fat and lazy and you say most people have trouble keeping the weight on their dogs 😀 Goes to show that you want to have a lot of sources and anecdotal experiences from owners before making your mind on what kind of breed you're getting into.

    "They're so eager to do stuff and please you that you need to think twice before giving them command" sounds like my way of doing things. Personality match and requirement to grow as a person seems welcome. I've come so far and become so realistic about getting the dog finally, that I searched for local dog training only to find that for reasonable prices there's puppy training, every day life training and activity/skill training available nearby. I've also been thinking of getting a sled (the kind of plastic one for kids) for winter and how convenient it would be to let the dog pull the bicycle to the beach when I'm going swimming in the summer. Seems like a great breed for people who love doing sports and stuff outside, but can't bother going outside alone. Always hated trying to find a friend who'd come to play tennis or swim or ice hockey with me and would sometimes just do it every other day of the week alone because I had to get to do it.

    These videos are so welcome in confirming the decision. The breed descriptions and random people talking about it are always fearmongering and scaring you "you must be superhuman athlete and live outside all the time and train this breed non-stop if you want to get one or it'll first destroy your apartment, then kill every creature on the planet and finally expode" and makes you question if you can own a dog that is not a wall painting. At least I have been already questioning myself constantly "what if there's a single day in the next 15 years I'm not in the mood or shape to go run mindlessly for an hour or two" before even seeing those videos. For example it's a long friday and all I've been thinking is that I could've spent the whole day outside with the dog if I had one, instead of sitting home without doing anything.

  18. Hola, muy buen video.

    A qué edad dejó de crecer rancho en altura?…. Ok hasta qué edad dejan de crecer en altura los Tervueren machos?

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