1 Comment

  1. Just for your info cringe idiot on the hospital one.

    She has a chronic medical condition that dog alerts to. That dog litterly keeps her alive. That dog can tell the doctors of her on coming medical episode where the doctors can only treat as it happens and possibly lose her and the baby by the time they realize the episode is happening.

    The hospital broke many laws thst night ADA law and service digs please educate yourself

    During a disaster or public health emergency, staff may not:

    Ask about the person’s disability.

    Require medical documentation, a special identification card, or training documentation for the dog.

    Ask the dog to demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task.

    When it is not obvious what task is being performed by a service animal, staff may ask only two questions:

    Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?

    What work or task the dog has been trained to perform?

    Service animals are to accompany the individual with a disability in all areas of the medical facility where health care personnel, visitors, and patients are normally allowed during inpatient services, unless it is a surgical or burn unit. If the service animal’s presence or behavior creates a fundamental alteration in the nature of a facility’s services in a particular area or a direct threat to other persons in a particular area.

    A “direct threat” is defined as a significant risk to the health or safety of others that cannot be mitigated or eliminated by modifying policies, practices, or procedures.

    A person with a disability cannot be asked to remove their service animal from the premises unless the dog is not housebroken, is out of control, or if the handler/owner does not take effective action to control the service animal.

    Kindly educate yourself before being judgemental thanks.

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