Luna wants in bed with the cats. Cat on Memory foam wants no part of it


  1. Hello, please help me if anyone can, so that I can get a little review and Subscription. I am a single father of 3 children aged 10, 8 and 5. I have cancer and I had surgery 4 months ago. I hope that someone will be found to help me with youtube. If you help me or not thank you again…

  2. The cats: we da cool kids, no losers allowed

    Luna: I'm not gonna mess with da cats! Remember what happened last time…

  3. Is Winston a Siamese Lilac Seal-Point? He looks just like my childhood kitty! His name was Boomer and he lived to be over 22 years old! ♥️🐾♥️🐾♥️🐾♥️🐾♥️

  4. What beautiful pets you have all of them. They look like they have blue in them except for the seal point one.

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