🐈 If you are considering the adoption of a kitten or adult Bombay cat, this new video from AnimalWised will help you discover everything you need about this popular feline breed: we include their origin, characteristics, character, care and health. Don’t miss out!


5 GAMES to ENTERTAIN Your CAT at HOME 🐱 👉 https://youtu.be/bF__nnhcfWs
Top 10 Most Popular CAT BREEDS in the World 👉 https://youtu.be/5EEkSU0Ti3k

Bombay Cat Breed File 👉 https://www.animalwised.com/cat-breeds/bombay-cat.html

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  1. I got a 16 yr old Bombay. I haven't done his Yes the and recently he had a slight infection. In both ears. I am gonna get these taken care of at the vet this week. He is the best cat ever

  2. Getting dental cleaning on Wednesday. Dam I blew it. Best cat I ever had. I let him down by not keeping up with his dental work. That won't happen again

  3. I have a rescue cat which I believe he is a Bombay – really a beauty. He has visible fangs – characteristic to Bombays? Also is absolutely terrified of thunder and storms. Any ideas to help him with that?

  4. I have a Bombay. She wandered into our open back door one & day & claimed our house as her own. She's the oldest of our 3 cats & now finds she has a Snowshoe Siamese for a brother & a Tortoise shell for a sister <3

  5. My baby is a little over 2. Best decision I've ever made is getting her from a shelter.

    She's an absolute unit. My best friend.

  6. My cat is solid black. Looks like a Bombay. But she has these beautiful vivid green eyes I have never seen on a cat before. She was a free kitten I picked up from someone giving away kittens out of the back of their truck. She’s a very friendly, family cat. She’s 8 years old. Loves my son and I equally. Very vocal. Softest cat ever with this silky hair that I love to pet. Definitely a lap kitty, loves to watch TV with me. But the green eyes and how vocal she is make me think she has Siamese somewhere in her background. Gold+blue would equal green, I think? Not sure what she is. She definitely has the face and body structure of a Bombay. Looks like a little panther. Probably the most beautiful cat I’ve ever had.

  7. Can someone please tell me how much they shed? Honest truth please. I’m a neat freak. Not sure if I can do it.

  8. I love my Bombay Nero. Yes, he is very straightforward, affectionate, and attached. He is an alpha male by nature and exhibits dog-like behaviors. His agility and power are unusual, like the panther he was made to be. It's not all roses… he bullies my wee 14-year-old, sweet old girl…Heinz 57, best described as a very small Maine Coon. She is a princess with an attitude and makes it known with her low, rumbling growl. They are my babies 🙂

  9. I have a 1 year old Bombay named Salem, i question her breed tho because she is so small, only 6 pounds. She is chubby and healthy but she is just a very small almost kittenish size naturally.

  10. I have a Bombay little girl.she has a beautiful coat n is very smart and is actually my watchdog she has alerted me of a intruder and every since I noticed she makes her rounds thru the house at night as if she is keeping an eye on things for me.I love her so much

  11. We have a Bombay named Sargeant, we usually call him Sarge. My cousin found him on the side of the road as a kitten. He came to our house after a few months, I can hands down say he is in the best cat we have ever had. We have two small children who adore him!

  12. I have had cats for years and crawled under an abandoned truck to rescue this kitten.I have never seen a coat so luxurious.
    I’m glad to know what he is!

  13. I also have Bombay cat named “Sunshine”. The name is very a propo as he has brought nothing but sunshine into my home. He is now 6 1/2 years old and is still full of the Dickens. He is the most intelligent cat that I ever had. My four cats keep me busy on a daily basis. I would not trade my four ever!
    George Machtans.
    Wabamun, Alberta.

  14. hi i just adopted one bombay kitten found in the street she was so nice and adorable now i sleep always with her❤❤❤❤❤ love little bombay cat name pepper

  15. I have a cat, named Luigi, that was described as an American Shorthair by the adoption agency, but I strongly suspect that she's mostly, if not all, Bombay, based on descriptions I've heard of the breed. She's my first cat, and she is—by far—the friendliest, most talkative cat I've ever met. I don't say this lightly, either; I've known some wonderfully sweet, social cats that were owned by friends, some of which I lived with for months, and none of them prepared me for how much I'd love Luigi.

  16. I'm looking for a new place to live. But if they don't take my baby (Bombay Cat), I will stay here until I find one ! She's my baby girl and will always be that !

  17. Anyone who knows these and sphynx, are they similar in temperament? They sound similar to me, but I'd like to make sure

  18. I love my little Bombay Lena. She's part mini panther, part human! She's vocal, beautiful, intelligent, sassy, very soft and an incredible gymnast. She is very human orientated and follows me on walks, sleeps by my side. She's been on several airplanes and fell asleep for both take off and landing. I fell in love with this breed.

  19. My boy Mephistopheles was a Bombay he just didn’t want to tell me: he decided to show his copper gold eyes I tough they were hazel. He suddenly showed me his Velcro I don’t get to go the bathroom without a panther escort unless I shut the door: he decided to get his coat detailed: now I see how shiny it is. He decided to open the cabinets and get his way He also got muscular and heavier.Other things too in 2 months he’s been changing little bit. He also plays very rough and I have marks from a mini panther.

  20. Adopted my Wesley two years ago from a shelter after his human passed. Just found out he's a Bombay which explains so much. He is the most affectionate baby boy (he is 9), follows me around like a dog, loves to be on my lap, conversates with me, and stares at me while I'm sleeping lol. I love him so much ❤️

  21. My very first cat was a Bombay cat. I didn’t realize it until later in his life since not even my parents knew. They just had a friend at work who had kittens and my mom picked him out over the phone and surprised me with him when I got home from school.
    He was the best cat I’ve ever had. 🖤🐈‍⬛

  22. I have a little Bombay! His name is Binx and he's the sweetest boy ever! Always talks. Learned what time I return from work and waits at the door like a dog. He will get sad if I don't pick him up as soon as I walk in! He's the cutest little guy ever! Named him after hocus pocus! Mister Thatchery Binx!

  23. The Bombay has the most beautiful black coat of any breed. Without a trace of red or grey hues often found in other black coat cats they are virtually invisible at night, until they open those intense gold eyes that is. They really do look like a miniature version of the black panther.

  24. We rescued one from our local SPCA 3 weeks ago. She is 1-1:2 yrs old and named Mia.
    we’ve had her for 3 weeks now, and she has adapted very well. We recently taught her to fetch, and she really enjoys that. She is not a cuddly or lap cat but loves to be with you. A very nice cat!

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