Many Doberman owners tout the benefits of a raw diet for their dogs but it’s expensive and easy to mess up. Also, kibble is heavily processed and certainly not fresh. So what’s the solution? I decided to finally get my Doberman Arlo on a fresh human-grade dog food delivery service called Ollie, and the results have been amazing! Arlo has more energy, focus, a shinier coat, better breath (a definite bonus), and he’s much more excited for mealtime. It feels deeply satisfying to know that my Doberman’s newfound “zest for life” has so much to do with the new diet I’ve decided to start feeding him. This is the best food I’ve found for Dobermans to date.

Link to Ollie Fresh Meals (The Best Deal I’ve Found So Far):
➡️ See the Current Special Going on at Ollie (it’s a good one):

As most Doberman owners know all too well, not every dog product works well for this unique breed. That’s why I maintain a list of the best products I’ve found so far for Dobermans here:

When you’re ready to decide if owning a Doberman is right for you, make sure you check out:

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I am a dog trainer who specializes in the Doberman breed. I have significant knowledge of this breed and provide insight into the breed as a whole, but not on the individual dog. Individual dogs and circumstances vary, and therefore your experience may be different. I am not a veterinarian, canine nutritionist, or behaviorist. Always consult with a qualified veterinarian, canine nutritionist, or other professional before making any decisions regarding the care, health, or diet of your dog. I often rely on the research, studies, and publications of experts while presenting certain related topics outside my field of expertise. This video presents my opinions and personal interpretations of this information only and may contain partial, anecdotal, or incomplete information. Watching this video does not supersede your responsibilities of doing your own research and due diligence.

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  1. I have had great luck with Ollie as well. I have also tried nom nom and spot and tango and enjoyed both of those as well. I think Ollie is probably the best value for what you get.

  2. Hey just to let you know you should probably mention that they do not recommend selling food for puppies younger than 3 months old

  3. Try this, set out a bowl of your dog's "favorite" kibble. Now set a bowl next to it with a raw chicken leg, some raw liver and a few gizzards and see which one of the two bowls your dog chooses.
    I've never had a dog choose dry kibble (or wet food for that matter) over raw.

  4. A lot of this reminds me of what my grandparents did for their dogs. My grandma would boil chicken or turkey, and give steamed carrots and green beans mixed in with her dog's kibble. She had a big ol basset hound, a Rottweiler, and a little unknown mixed girl, that all got a different amount of these things mixed in with their food and they all lived a really long time and had a ton of energy. I miss them a lot. Both the basset hound and rottweiler have since passed, and the little mix dog I haven't heard about since losing contact with my grandparents due to family issues. But I know they all lived long happy lives, a lot of which had to due with the food and exercise they all got. I can't do what my grandparents did for my girl right now, but I might suggest Ollie to my parents and see what they think.

  5. Interesting review. Been feeding my blue heeler 100% fresh since I got him 10 months ago, nothing out of a bag, even treats. New job where Im gonna be traveling, and so will he to different friends and families houses, packaged meals will be a ton more convenient.

  6. Thank you for your content. How often are you feeding Arlo and what would you recommend is the best time(s) of the day to feed a Doberman similar to Arlo. Thanks!

  7. Great info on Ollie. Are you still feeding Arlo the same kibble that you recommended before? Have you ever tried Victor Professional Dog Food? I got turned on to that food several years ago for my Dobes and I found it to be excellent and, my dogs love it. They have a puppy formula (Victor Hi-Pro Plus Puppy-Active Dog) for "active" breeds (Dobermans!!). I will be picking up a new pup in about a month and am still researching and planning out his diet. Thanks for all of your great tips. Although I've had Dobermans all my life, I haven't raised up a puppy in about 15 years. I am not getting any younger myself, so … watching these videos is a helpful motivator.

  8. Since having my little girl iv always fed her raw food, I give her tripe, chicken, lame, beef . And I buy big bones for her, I give her tuna once aweek and mackerel also once aweek, I give her fresh eggs and veg which I mince in with the fresh meat lol, she loves it, and I feed her at the same time I feed my 4 franchise, just not in the same room lol.

  9. Please help me out!! My 15 week old puppy Joy is going through growth pain as we speak. This moaning/crying when we go to sleep is killing me on the inside. I had another doberman who died having a heartattack during to dcm, so maybe i am a little traumatised and extra alert. She now gets royal canin maxi for puppies on advice from the breeder and i give her raw puppy meal food with fruits, veggies and oil. But i dont know what to believe anymore, some people say get puppy food as they are full of things they need. And other people say dont give puppy food as the puppy is growing to fast and this will hurt them.. what is your advice as a doberman owner and do you recommend soaking the kibbles? Because she drinks so much, i heard this could be happening because the dry kibbles are soaking their stomach fluid.. thank you from one dobie lover to another❤

  10. I am getting a euro Doberman puppy. Do you think I could feed him Ollie right when I get him? I know he has a dry diet with his breeder at the moment (eating puppy pro plan)… what do you recommend? Do I need to get the same food she is feeding then mix it like you do? Thanks!

  11. Thank u always 4 info. Been cooking 4 Griffin adopted 6yo frm Humane Soc 4 days now. Will look into Ollie. So far got a kiss n tail stub wags. My 4th Dobie, I love him n now he has his FOREVER HOME

  12. Why don’t you just go to your grocery store and pick up some proper raw food and feed him healthy food your previous dog died because of that shit food kibble you gave him dont you want him to live longer ?

  13. Hi, John! Have you ever considered writing a book on how to rear up a Doberman puppy from 8 weeks to a year? That would greatly benefit so many people, including myself! I know that you have a young family as do my husband and I, so I know that you are extremely busy and don't want to miss out on precious time with them that it may take to write a book. But it would greatly benefit many. May be something to pray about.

  14. I know this is a late comment, but I’m wondering if you’re still using this food service? Any issues since you started?

  15. Wish there was a way, I could talk to you personally for personal questions about my doberman and future dobermans.

    Amazing videos!
    Thank you for the time you give us!

  16. the way he jumped around at the beginning when u were about to feed him omggggg 😭😭😭😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰

  17. Have you had any experience with GI issues? I had my 6 month dobie on carna4 for a while, he wasn’t reacting well to the chicken and I needed a more affordable option, so we switched to Fromm. Unfortunately a couple weeks later he had a foreign body & needed surgery. Since then his stools have not been the same. Constant liquid diarrhea (poor guy is so uncomfy). Tried antibiotics, probiotics, pro pectalin combinations and rice/boiled meat. The vet has given us Hills ID kibble for his digestion & he seems to enjoy it but we aren’t seeing much of a difference. I’m wondering if you have any advice for us? After all of the meds, they’re just recommending to continue a different combination of medications and I really don’t want to keep going through this cycle.

  18. Is he American or European? He looks like an American breed. The long snout and legs imo.

  19. I just checked.. ollie has at least one of the following in all of their foods: legumes, potatoes, or sweet potatoes… I was about to make the switch to ollie from purina since they discontinued proplan focus, but when i selected legumes, potatoes, and sweet potatoes as allergies, it said they didn't have any options for us.

  20. I love the video and Arlo is such a good looking dog. I have been looking for a good source of information on doing a raw dog food diet for my baby girl Harley she is a Blue Tick Coon Hound. She has a lot of special needs. She is 8 years old this year and is currently fighting a sever case of calcinosis cutis. So anything high in calcium I kinda need to stay away from. I looked at the Ollie site and felt like it would be a good option but I noticed that they did not ask enough questions about my dogs needs, also I could not find the cost of the food after the starter box. All it said was I will be billed every 4 weeks.

  21. My husband and I just got a European Doberman on Saturday! He’s 4 months tomorrow. I’ve been watching a lot of your videos this week so we can be the best dobie parents we can be!
    Do you know anything about Tylees human grade food and Dobermans?

  22. I was curious to see what kibble you feed and went to your website where I found out what is is.
    As I scrolled down I saw that you have a section where you advise not to feed a kibble that has corn, wheat or soy since as you state that they are cheap fillers. (Which they are).
    The dog food you use has both wheat and also different forms of corn and soy oil.
    Maybe you could do an update there.

  23. My 10 week old pup is on part kibble part can food as recommended by my breeder but he really smells. We’ve washed him in a day later he smells again and I get the feeling it’s the food he’s on…. Is this possible ?

  24. Good job arlo looks happy and healthy. It's important to feed your dog well. Not everyone can afford those prices though. Glad arlo is doing well

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