Male Bombay Cat VS Female Bombay Cat – Compare and Contrast. Whats the difference between the male and female bombay cat? In this video, we compare and contrast the male bombay to the female bombay. Bombay cats look like little panthers but whats the difference between male and female? We share it all in this video.

0:00 Intro
0:34 Temperament
1:52 Size
2:51 Trainability
3:43 Maintenance
4:25 Overall



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  1. Here is the deal. If you really want a Panther get any Black Cat. You don't have get a breed. Black Cat or Bombay they have terrible adoption rates and high euthanasia rates
    I pulled my little guy out of the shelter. He's not a Bombay but looks and acts like one, he's my little Panther. 😊❤

  2. We recently picked up a female kitten that is mostly black, except for a white tuft on her chest and on her paws. Toes are black, except one pink bean. She definitely seemed different than any other cat I have ever came across, and then I stumbled on these videos. I am convinced she is part Bombay and I just lover her to pieces. What a great find at a local shelter!

  3. Our cats of 18 years passed on and we were gifted a just newly born kitten found in our neighbors flowerbed. We could not find the mother so we raised the kitten only to find out he appears to be a Bombay cat. Fits all the descriptions of a Bombay. Only thing missing are the papers. My first black cat and so far a favorite.

  4. I adopted a bonded brother and sister in 2010. This video is completely and absolutely spot on. I will always miss my black beauties.

  5. I find this video sexist!!! I have always considered female cats to be better than the male. Male cats can be terriblei about marking their territory even if they have been spayed !!! Usually, though, if they have been neutered, they do stop marking!! I had a male Bombay cat and he was wonderful !! I also have had a lot of female cats who were great. I am horrified that anyone would make a video like this. Cats all have different personalities. Actually my female car was better behaved . Mt male Bombay would knock his dry cat food around and i don't care how much I tried to correct it , he never stopped. I changed cat foods but he still did it !! I don't know why anyone would prefer one sex over the other in cats !! It is just wrong!!! And untrue!! I have come to love male cats as much as females so I no longer judge cats by what sex they are !

  6. My girl is cheeky and wants to play all the time. If I don't play, she'll meow until the cows come home. But she's beautiful, petite, friendly, and extremely inquisitive.

    She has beautiful green eyes too, and a short snout, which makes her look like royalty. She's a delight. 😊

  7. My male Bombay is my Velcro kitty and snuggle bug. He sleeps under the sheets right up next to me. He's tolerant of my my 10 year old and is super smart and vocal. He's seriously the best cat I've ever loved and I've had cats my whole life…or shall I say, cats have had me my whole life 😂

  8. I have a male bombay cat. He greets me at the door and has always layed on my lap. Lately he has become even more affectionate by lifting his front legs up for me to pick him up. He always wants to be in my arms. He is 12 this year. I wish he would live forever. He is my world. I bought him a bed today and he is already cuddled up on it 🙂

  9. He’s wrong about the female vs male description.

    He’s also wrong about the differences in training.

  10. I adopted a female Bombay from a shelter. They didn't know she was a Bombay, but it was obvious as she got older.

    She is the most intelligent cat I have ever seen. She loves to play, run zoomies, play cat games on YouTube and sleep with me on my pillow.

  11. i saw a black kitten outside our pathway near our house.Its so small maybe 3-4 day old that time when i adopt that stray kitten.After 2days his eyes began to open.We named him Sage a male cat and only knew it was a bombay cat when i watched videos about black cat and their characteristics.He is fun to be with,very playful and so funny aqnd smart too.thats why our family loves him very much.He always makes me happy.thankful for having such a good cat.

  12. My beautiful 25 year old male is everything you want and more. He has been so sad after only loosing his mum in December but is now becoming more happier. Mr Rilie rules me and I love it lol 🐈‍⬛☘️

  13. my female black bombay is very affectionate with me and has a great temperament she does have a great balance and yes she is on her own terms . but she has very close with me

  14. It took me five seconds to fall in love with my Bombay kitten. He's the most affectionate cat I've ever encountered/known (and I grew up with 4 cats, two female and 2 male). He's a velcro kitty and just wants to be with me anywhere. His name is Cricket.

  15. I litter trained my male bombay in less than half a day. showed him the litter box, put him in it and told him thats where he had to go. that was it. I will say he is beyond affectionate and always cuddling or at my side. Got him when he was only a few months old, someone dumped him and we caught him in our warehouse at work. got him a check up, fixed and his shots. best decision i ever made saving this little guy

  16. My male Bombay does not fit the description of always following me around and wanting to always be cuddled. He only follows me when I give him food. Never cuddles with me. He does always rub himself against me though and shows me love, weirdly, when he's about to go to sleep. He's a weird little dude and I love him so much.

  17. Midnight that's his name! Ours has the sweetest deposition and when you sit down and he's around, then he's crawled up in your lap. True to their reputation, this one too is a terrific mouser. He is one of life's little Joys.

  18. My female Bombay (from rescue) took two years to warm up to me but she is now loyal, loving and likes to sleep on my head.

  19. I think my cat is part bombay. Her mom has the funny bug looking eyes, she was found outside and gave birth as soon as they brought her inside. We’re assuming the dad is a tabby since our cat has very very very faint tabby lines. My kitty has a more “normal” shaped head and face.

  20. Found my Bombay at a dumpster behind the courthouse where I work. He was only 8 oz. His eyes were not even open and he was coughing, but couldn't meow. The Vet said he had a upper respiratory infection and gave him meds. She said he was about 2.5-3 weeks old. Someone threw this baby away because he was black. I nurtured him from that very day and I can't express the love and joy this precious baby has brought me! I didn't know I needed him this much! I didn't know what a Bombay was… and I am so happy with my little black panther! I wish I could show you all a picture of my little man… Onyx Theodore! 🤍

  21. My female Bombay was the best kitty ever. Yes, she was a nag, but absolutely wonderful. I miss her dearly. Cancer sucks.

  22. After a lifetime of Siamese (mostly Seal Point) cats, I obtained two Bombay cats about 5 years ago. Brother and sister (both neutered) from the same litter. While I've long been aware that cat personalities are, indeed, "personal" and can vary significantly from "breed characteristics" (none of my various Siamese were the same), I was puzzled at some of the differences between the male and female Bombay that allow me to live with them. This video nailed it. The male is rather laid back while the female is always just a bit "suspicious" about everything. The Bombays do seem to need much more attention than my previous cats, and I might call it "needy" at times. The two cats get along quite well (only occasional spats over the "primo" spot in my lap while watching TV in bed). They are very talkative, at times. (Weirdly, after "lights out" they (most often the female) will go to the far end of the house and "yowl" a whole bunch. I call and then they come back to the bedroom, often "talking" all the way.) Since we're retired (and home with them a lot) they do exhibit some anxiety when we go out for a couple hours — but they're calmer if I make sure to "say goodby" before leaving. While relatively trainable, they are not as "practically smart" as most of my Siamese — e.g. they can push a mostly closed door open that swings away (they push with their head), but have never figured out to open a door that swings toward them by grabbing with a paw — a skill that every one of the Siamese exhibited.They are VERY sociable and enjoy when a visitor comes in to the house — indeed the Cable Guy asked for help when they both were getting in his way when he was connecting up some new equipment. (The Siamese, in similar circumstances would observe from a "safe" distance.)

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