BLOG: http://yaplog.jp/kumichan77/


  1. こんにちは親愛なる友人、私はあなたと久美ちゃんを心配していた、と私は、あなたが罰金を神に感謝します。世界の多くの人々は地震と津波災害の悲劇の犠牲者のために祈っていると我々は美しい日本の迅速な復興のために神を求める。神はあなたが來未ちゃん祝福
    Hello dear friend, I was worried about you and Kumi-chan, and I thanks God you are fine. Many people in the world are praying for the victims of the tragedy of the earthquake and the tsunami disaster and we ask God for a speedy reconstruction of beautiful Japan. God bless you and Kumi-chan
    Your friends who likes you, Mary and the cat Michita

  2. @michita2006 Thanks for worrying about me and Kumichan.
    We are safe、suffered no disaster.
    However, the east area of Japan suffered catastrophic damage.
    I believe that Japan will strongly recover soon.

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