Have you ever heard of Hachiko the dog? Meet Hachikō, a dog so faithful that he became a national symbol of loyalty in Japan. Every day, the Akita would wait at the train station for his owner, a college professor, to come home. One afternoon, Hachikō’s human didn’t get off his train to greet the pooch—he had died at his office. For the next nine years, Hachikō made his daily trip to the station to patiently wait for the owner who would never return.
But this statue exemplifies that Hachiko finally meets his owner! 🐶✨
ハチ公パイセンに会って来たよ〜 やっぱりさ、渋谷のパイセンは寂しそうだから、こっちの方がいいよね。

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