In this video we answer the question, what is the World’s Oldest Dog Breed?

The Saluki is considered the world’s oldest dog breed. Here are some key points from the sources:

– The Saluki, also known as the Persian Greyhound or the Royal Dog of Egypt, is a breed of dog that has been around for thousands of years.

– The breed is believed to have originated in the Fertile Crescent, an area that covers parts of present-day Egypt, Iraq, and Iran, where they were used for hunting by nomadic tribes.

– The earliest known depictions of the Saluki can be found in ancient Egyptian tombs, where they were depicted as graceful and elegant hunting dogs. The breed was highly valued by the pharaohs and was considered a symbol of wealth and nobility. Salukis were also used by Bedouin tribes in the desert, who valued them for their speed and endurance in chasing down gazelles and hares.

– Salukis were first introduced to Europe in the 19th century, where they quickly gained popularity as a hunting and racing dog. The first Saluki was brought to England in the 1890s, and the first Saluki club was formed in Britain in 1894. The breed was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1929.

– The Saluki is one of the oldest known breeds of dog, with robust archaeological evidence dating back at least 5,000 years. Images of slender dogs with feathered ears, tails, and legs have been found on various artifacts in the Middle East, such as tomb paintings and mosaic sculptures.
– The Saluki is easy to groom, challenging to train, and not to be trusted off-leash. They are not well-suited for apartment life or for being left home alone all day, as they need space to roam and have a high prey drive. They’d also fare better with an experienced pet parent who can stay firm and consistent with training while providing them with the exercise they need.

In summary, the Saluki is considered the world’s oldest dog breed, with a long history of use for hunting and racing. They are a unique breed that requires a specific type of owner and environment to thrive.

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