The Bedlington Terrier dog breed originated as a killer of vermin and poacher’s sidekick. Today Bedlingtons excel as companions and in the show ring. Although they still have excellent hunting instincts, a keen sense of smell, and the will to go to ground, they are rarely used in the field.

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In this video, we are counting down the top 10 facts about the Bedlington Terrier that you might not know.

A Quick Overview:
[Group: Terrier Dogs]
Weight: 17 to 23 pounds
Height: 1 foot, 3 inches to 1 foot, 4 inches tall at the shoulder
Life Expectancy: 14-16 years

The Bedlington Terrier captures your attention with his unique lamblike appearance and keeps it with his entertaining, opinionated personality. Don’t let his appearance fool you, however. The Bedlington is all terrier: inquisitive, intelligent, alert, and aggressive toward small animals outdoors.

Bedlingtons throw themselves with enthusiasm into the activities of their family. They love to be the center of attention and will play the clown to get it. Bedlingtons welcome guests and entertain them with their antics, but they’ll let you know if they think someone’s shady. Bedlington people say their dogs have astute judgment and make excellent watchdogs.

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  1. Brilliant dogs, BUT they need lots of exercise. They are great at home if you give them all the exercise they need. My vet said they're high maintenance due to regular grooming + hair clipping and nail clipping. Anal glands need to be emptied every month or so. I learnt how +its not that bad. My dog never dug at all,so our garden remained in good shape.Water he hated it to the point he avoided the hose pipe.He did go through many streams on is long runs but only because he didn't want tobe left behind. Mine wasn't much of a Barker other than as a greeting or to warn us that someone was on the property. If it was our regular postman he would only bark a few times then go silent +watch postman every move get his usual fussing from postie +see him to the gate. With no attempt to follow him. If it was a stranger we'd heard a different type of bark . They will protect their owners. Dry food is best for their health." Plaque off " on their food keeps tartar at bay. Their temperature is slightly higher than other breeds due to working underground in their past. So not good to be out on hot days for long.exercise early morning or late evening. Car journeys use battery fans,windows down from time to time. Regular stops for water,wee+to stretch their legs. Ours was a good traveller. Very affectionate dogs.

  2. I own a bedlington! We were just watching this for fun and spotted ours at the end in the water looking over his shoulder. His name is Gus (you can find him on Instagram too, gusthebedlington)

  3. Love my bedlington terrier Oliver . Always wants to play ball very active dog. Loving but gets jealous if another dog comes by me. Out of nowhere he'll appear and be standing right next to me. But I love him oh and grooming is a must

  4. Ours is 11 weeks old she is beautiful, love her. We are on raw which she was weened on by breeder, seems very happy on that.

  5. Our Bedlington Terrier is a loving, loyal, and intelligent girl. She's gentle around both the very young and old. In her youth, she was the fastest dog I've seen. She has a strong bark but is not yappy. She also loves to cuddle. A lot of grooming is needed- worth every bit of it. The best and only dog for us! She's sweet 16 now! I've never seen her display the jealousy mentioned above in all her years.

  6. I am from Bedlington in Northumberland & have a Bedlington terrier named Kent (my sons obsessed with superman!). You wont find more Bedlington terriers in one place then in actual Bedlington!

  7. I have just lost my darling lulu 18.3 years old and i will only ever have another Bedington as they are the kindest most loving dog in the world.I am devastated but will eventually have another… what a dog!

  8. Mine is my best friend. So relaxed and well behaved. I wouldn't trade him for anything! (my family have bred Bedlington terriers for 20 years). He eats a raw food diet – I would recommend it to anyone!

  9. I met a Bedlington terrier at the dog park today. He had a great time playing with my podengo. What a wonderful breed!

  10. Thank you for the information.
    A Bedlington is one of the potential breeds we consider for our next dog, but it's not decided yet!

  11. My Blue bedlington Velvet Moonshadow just passed at age 18. I think this is rare in the U.S. the copper gene was bred out and he was big, 21” at the withers! I have a lot of dog allergies and I had none to him except from licking and that went away. He was extremely loyal, dedicated to family, and guarded the house like nobody’s business! Once somebody walked onto the yard and walked towards me and he crouched, ready to pounce but first looked up to me to get the nod. He waited until the Intruder announced himself and then backed off but still monitored him. What a delightful brother for my daughter and very very safe and gentle with everyone. His girlfriend was a whippet across the alley and they played at the park and ran so fast they were a blur , he could not quite keep up with her! I heard that a Doberman attacked an owner of a bedlington and sprung at the dog and killed him by biting its neck. Maybe a tall tale but I could believe it! He will be in my heart forever…

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