
This video has a lot of Afghan Hound and Standard Poodle in it!

This channel will show the world how Japanese dogs run around happily.

If you like dogs around the world, please take a look.

There are many dog-only parks in Japan that you can be proud of in the world.
In the dog park, dogs are released and can run freely.
Dogs are running and flying and playing happily.

The small dog and large dog areas are separated for safety.

Depending on the dog park, dogs can also swim in the pool.

The dog-only park has free and paid facilities.
Many shops sell very delicious food.

Characteristics of the Afghan Hound
The Afghan Hound has long, trailing hair, which is unusual for a large dog.
As a sighthound that hunts by sight, the Afghan Hound has a dignified appearance with its head raised to look into the distance.
Their legs, hidden by their long hair, are strong with wide, firm soles, and they have the leg strength to run at great speed over rough terrain.
They have the grace of this breed in their bouncy walk with their long hair swaying.
The ideal height is 68-74 cm for males and 63-69 cm for females.

Afghan Hound Personality
Afghan Hounds sometimes disobey people and are even said to be less obedient and dumb.
However, this is the result of the Afghan Hound’s ability to think for itself and its stubbornness. In the first place, they have the ability to run so fast that people can’t catch up with them and hunt down their prey, so they can make their own judgments in hunting and have gained the trust of their masters by leading to good results. This trait has been fixed through a long history as a hound, and has come to be respected as the personality of the Afghan Hound. In the home, the Afghan Hound is sometimes referred to as having a cat-like personality, as it is not easily swayed by humans and is able to move at its own pace.
Many Afghan Hounds have a strong appetite for hunting, and they may chase small animals or small dogs if their owners do not take the lead when outdoors.

Characteristics of the Standard Poodle
The Poodle has a square configuration with approximately the same length and height in all size varieties.
They have slender limbs, small heads, and unique coats that give them a sense of elegance.
In Japan, the breed standard of the Japan Kennel Club classifies them into four sizes: Standard Poodle 45-60cm, Medium Poodle 35-45cm, Miniature Poodle 28-35cm, and Toy Poodle 24-28cm.

Personality of the Standard Poodle
The Poodle is a very intelligent, athletic, and curious breed.
Before the rise of the Border Collie, this breed was considered to be one of the most intelligent dogs in the world.
They are affectionate to their families and treat strangers and other dogs well.


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