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How are you family again Welcome to this beautiful channel and spectacular channel of recipes for our beloved pets. Today we are going to prepare an excellent and delicious smoothie for those super hot days. For our pets In addition to the fact that it will be super delicious, it is super healthy, welcome. [Music]

Good for this recipe we are going to need the following ingredients we are going to need a tray of strawberries we are going to need two bananas or one of your preference we are going to need skimmed milk because our furry ones cannot consume the other and Greek yogurt

Is also optional Finally, add grated coconut without sugar. We proceed, so here I am cutting the strawberries and I am putting them to heat for a moment. It is optional, if you want, you can put them directly in the blender. But that will make the strawberry a little more

Consistent and the consistency of our shake is going to be much richer so here I am dividing it and I am going to put them for a few minutes I will leave them below in the description

How long it should be and the exact amount of ingredients so we put them here we move them they cook a little Here we are looking at how they are cooking a little and the texture should be like

Our strawberry a little pink when it is already pink and here we can turn it off and we can proceed to make our smoothie Well here we already have our strawberries at the point a little cooked and We are then going to add the skimmed and lactose-free milk to the blender.

Right now, I am going to make a little smoothie and the rest. So I reserve enough, I am going to do it in frozen cubes for a hot day and to save them because I can’t really give them All the same day we are going to add a little natural Greek yogurt.

Remember that it should not have sugar as we have used it in our previous recipes. This recipe is delicious because it is like a super rich but healthy yogurt. For our furry ones we add the complete yogurt

We are going to add our little banana the banana is super good because as I have explained before it has a very good source of vitamins for our pets And it also gives it that touch of sweetness that is needed for this yogurt And finally we are going to add the strawberries

Ready here We already have our strawberries like this at the point that I had explained to you right now, a little cooked , we already have the banana, the milk and the yogurt here in the blender and we are going to add the strawberries. Put a

Little coconut. Well, our furry ones especially love mine, they love sweet and delicious flavors and I am going to proceed to process everything, we put this here and we are going to make our delicious family smoothie ready here we no longer have our delicious smoothie the texture I’m going to

Show you how it turned out super tasty and we reserved some ice cubes because indeed, since it’s a hot day for them to be super super cool. Look, we finished the texture of our smoothie and this smells delicious and if we like it,

Imagine our furry ready family here where our delicious recipe is, as you can see it is a complete success Our furry ones love both puppies and kittens and it is perfect for a hot day please if you liked this video Do not forget to subscribe

To our channel click on the bell and remember more than pets are family bye bye

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