This Rotti has come SO far and I am beyond proud of the work that is going into him. Never forget, when the behavior becomes the correction, the behavior stops. When emotion marks the negative, the emotion becomes the mark and the behavior is forgotten about… Focus on proper communication! Are you communicating or are you confusing..

Structure, consistency, and routine are integral elements when implementing a training plan across various domains, including fitness, education, and professional development. The presence of a well-defined structure provides a clear framework for the training program, outlining goals, milestones, and the progression of activities. This clarity helps participants understand the purpose of the training, fostering a sense of direction and purpose.

Consistency plays a pivotal role in reinforcing learning and skill acquisition. Regular, repeated exposure to training activities or content enhances retention and mastery. Consistency also contributes to building habits, making it more likely for participants to adhere to the training plan over the long term. Additionally, routine establishes predictability and stability, reducing stress and uncertainty for individuals undergoing the training. A consistent schedule or routine fosters a sense of discipline and commitment, promoting engagement and participation.

In summary, the importance of structure, consistency, and routine in a training plan cannot be overstated. These elements provide a solid foundation, enhance understanding and retention, and contribute to the overall success and effectiveness of the training program.

#dogtraining #rottweiler

Ride K9 guys here with this amazing Rottweiler and trainer Michael trainer EJ this Rottweiler was highly highly highly reactive uh didn’t take a before video cuz we just don’t have time but please take my word this dog would launch this dog is is is about the

Business when it comes to a Rott wer and truth be told it’s kind of nice to see a rot with a little bit of Drive in them still however right now we’re doing a series of objects from EJ to Bicycle to shopping cart to wheelchair this dog is reactive beyond control prior to

Starting however he’s learning a new game through behavioral avoidance the dog’s Behavior becomes the cue remember when the behavior becomes the correction the behavior stops and I can’t say that loud enough for people in the back when the behavior becomes the correction the behavior stops so dog has a decision to

Make stay on task eat a bunch of really good food look over at EJ launch on EJ launch on me try to bite anybody earn a correction the dog is making the decision with no friction tension or conflict between the Handler and the dog

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