This documentary explores the extraordinary journey of dogs from their origins as wild wolves to becoming humanity’s oldest and most loyal companions. Over 20,000 years, dogs have played crucial roles in human survival and society—aiding in hunting, guarding livestock, protecting from danger, navigating harsh environments, and saving lives.
Today, they continue to enrich our lives, offering comfort, companionship, and emotional support. The film delves into how dogs evolved alongside humans, the development of their unique abilities, and the profound impact they have on our lives.
Highlighting remarkable stories from around the globe, it showcases the heroism and extraordinary talents of dogs, celebrating their place as not just pets, but as irreplaceable allies and friends.
Through a blend of scientific insights and heartwarming tales, viewers will discover the incredible journey of dogs becoming man’s first friend.

The dog. He has helped us hunt and find food, helped us travel and transport our goods, looked after our animals, protected us from our enemies, saved us from the cold and from drowning, guided us through even the harshest terrain. He has found a place for himself in our homes.

He cherishes us, comforts us, helps us endure loneliness and sickness. He has become our unwavering ally. But what do we really know about dogs? Where did they come from? How have they made themselves so important to us? Today, science allows us to better understand our connection with a species we thought we knew.

The most recent discoveries have been truly remarkable. This is the epic tale of the alliance between man and dog, of how the descendant of a wolf became man’s best friend. Eurasia: 30,000 years ago. At this time, two formidable species ruled the steppes: humans and wolves. They both lived in groups.

They were intelligent and highly organized. And they knew each other very well. They were the most powerful predators on the planet. Our ancestors hunted like wolves. They tracked their prey over long distances and wore them down. So, how did they come together? They both liked the same food. Wolves don’t attack humans,

But they are quite prepared to steal their prey. This rivalry lasted thousands of years, until the day that one wolf changed its behavior. Probably a young female, timid and vulnerable. A she-wolf who couldn’t find her place in the pack. Waiting, always waiting. One day, the young she-wolf left the pack

To get closer to the humans. This decision sparked a major development in human history. It was the origin of the dog. For a long time, it was believed that humans have domesticated wolves by catching and raising their young. The reality, it now seems to us today, is completely different.

It was the wolf that domesticated man. A starving she-wolf, hungry and drawn to our food. To humans, wolves were dangerous and clever rivals. They preferred to keep them at a safe distance. And yet, wolves had a great, seductive power over us. Enchanting eyes. Such touching whimpering. Recent scientific research suggests

That this is how the partnership between humans and wolves began. The she-wolf senses the danger before anyone else. Thanks to her powerful nose and her ultra-sensitive ears, the she-wolf protected their supplies. This was the first quality we noticed: their ability to warn us of danger and it raised so many possibilities.

And so, very gradually, wolves transformed into dogs. They lived side by side with us and protected us from danger. They accompanied us on our travels. They cleaned our camps by eating our leftovers. In times of scarcity, we even at them to survive. They kept us warm on cold nights.

Wolves took a long time to choose between their life in the wild and a type of dependence on humans. It didn’t happen overnight. Over time, these animals have become excellent companions. Their young were born among us. The wilder ones might return to the forest, but the tamest would stay with us

And give birth to even more docile offspring and so on. Over generations, a new species friendly to humans would emerge: the dog. This discovery impressed the people that passed through. Dogs spread among us as rapidly as the news itself. Soon, all mankind knew that an alliance with wolves was possible.

But no one could have guessed the extraordinary potential of this partnership. We now know that all the dogs on earth today, around a billion of them, are all descended from a very small number of gray wolves, perhaps only a dozen or so. All of them, without exception,

From the tiny chihuahua to the great Saint Bernard. Man and wolf would go on to form an alliance that made them even more powerful and transformed the future lives of our two species. 20,000 years ago, those first dogs appeared in the Northern Hemisphere. In Europe, we can trace an early breed of dog

Whose lineage did not last very long. In Central Asia, though, while the first dogs still looked very much like wolves, after contact with humans, their fur lightened and their ears and tail changed shape. Further south, dogs had shorter fur, to cope with the heat. As they arrived in Europe,

These Asian breeds gradually replaced primitive European breeds. In Asia, the number of dogs increased and some migrated across to North America. Their appearance changed, but this was entirely due to their environment. Humans had not yet discovered they could alter them by selective breeding. Around 10,000 years ago, dogs adapted to hotter climates

And spread across South Asia, as far as Australia. They would also migrate to South America and Africa. Dogs soon accompanied humans across the planet. At this point, our partnership led to a truly surprising development. Dogs helped us protect our crops. This is Karnataka, a remote region of India

Where rice, peanuts, and bananas are grown all year round. A story that was once so decisive for mankind is still being played out here today. In these villages, an ancient breed known as the pariah dog lives among humans without being part of their families. They live off the refuse.

This is the surprising story of one of them, a yellow dog with white paws. He doesn’t have a name. He doesn’t belong to anyone. White Paw was born in these streets and has always had to manage on his own. If he could, he’d live in a house.

He’s always on the lookout for any opportunity to get some food. But be careful, there are risks. Here, it’s the law of the strongest. But there’s a better way. By learning the ways of the owners of the food, the humans. This is the most spectacular part of the dogs’ evolution,

The huge process they made in understanding human psychology. They developed this ability by observing human facial expressions, working out who is dangerous, who is kind. Learning people’s personalities and gauging their moods. To survive here, you either have to be the strongest or the smartest. Every day, White Paw leaves the village

For the surrounding fields. A long time ago, he noticed the peculiar behavior of the farmers. When animals invade their fields, the men chase them away. White Paw is looking for something. The gray langur monkeys are coming down from the mountian. In this region that’s totally dependent on agriculture, monkeys have become increasingly abundant.

They live in groups of 30 to 40, they move around quickly, and carry out raids on the plantations. Bananas, rice, coconuts. They’re a nuisance to thousands of farmers that have huge trouble in chasing them away. To protect their crops, people organize monkey patrols. But the langurs are cunning.

White Paw has learned to detect them from a distance and when he finds a group, his predatory instinct kicks in. Although no one’s ever trained him to do so, White Paw takes a strange pleasure in chasing the monkeys back up into the mountains. Until the day when a farmer spotted the yellow dog.

White Paw had made an impression, the first step. Despite everything, villages offer him relative safety. Those that live out in the country farms could be eaten at night by panthers. All free-ranging dogs know that in a human home, life is more comfortable. There’s always food, affection, warmth. But not many are chosen.

This morning, three groups of langurs arrived before dawn. Numbering more than a hundred, they attacked the large rice field. The farmers all got together and rushed to chase them away. But this monkey raid was too visible, too obvious. Something wasn’t quite right. The farmers were completely focused on the coconut trees

Without realizing that, behind them, another group was pillaging their banana plantation. And so, White Paw’s future changed dramatically. He found a home and was given a name: Ramu. He’s fed every day now and he also wears a collar. More comfort, but less independence, a trade most dogs make if they’re given the choice.

This story of White Paw really tells a much broader tale which played out a long time ago. From the moment we began to cultivate the first crop fields, dogs enabled us to protect our harvest. They kept away all the wild animals that wanted our wheat, our rice, or our barley.

There were a few monkeys, but mainly lots of herbivores: deer, sheep, and cattle. All over the world, our friend helped us fill our stores for winter. And that changed our lives. 12,000 years ago, in Mesopotamia, humans began to settle around fields of wild wheat and barley. To protect their crops, the first villagers

Had heavy, powerful, Mastiff-like dogs. This way of life prospered and in a few thousand years, the first civilizations appear. 5,000 years ago, ancient Egypt was built on barley and wheat with the help of the ancestors of the Pharaoh hound. In ancient Greece, it was barley, with the ancestors of the Molossus

And their sense of smell, their vigilance to all threats, and the strength to fight off any pillager. In India, it was rice, thanks to those pariah dogs. In China and in Japan, too. In Central America, the Mayans had corn, with help from the ancestors of the Mexican Hairless.

In Italy, the Roman Empire grew built on wheat, with the ancestors of the Mastiff. By crossbreeding, we began to select them to meet our needs. Around 3,000 years ago, the first manmade breeds appeared. Like the Maltese, little dogs, specialized in fighting rodents in the ports of the Mediterranean.

They also conquered the hearts of men. They were the favorite breed of the Roman Emperor Claudius. Dogs helped us create civilizations, but who could have imagined the next development in our partnership? Another revolution was about to take place thanks to our dogs: the domestication of animals.

For more than 20,000 years, dogs hunted all wild animals and chased them away from us. But then, suddenly, humans had the idea to keep a few goats closer to herd. They became herdsmen and used their dogs to protect their animals. Predators that protect their prey, how is that possible?

How could the descendants of wolves become guardians of the animals they were supposed to kill and eat? Humans developed a very effective method, a method that is still practiced today on the great steppes of Mongolia. This is the story of a Mongolian Bankhar dog. His name is Jiri.

Jiri is in charge of a huge flock that he protects from wolf attacks. His strength and loyalty make him an accomplished shepherd. He’s already killed more than 10 wolves. His reputation as a protector has traveled beyond the mountains. But that hasn’t always been the case. Jiri became a shepherd 10 years ago

And here’s how it happened. Jiri was just two months old. He’d just been separated from his mother. A traumatic shock, but one desired by his owners. His instincts told him to defend his meal. It was precisely these instincts that his owner wanted to overcome. First lesson, don’t bite the hand that feeds.

One day, two men he didn’t know came for him, to take him away, far from everything he knew. Where were his brothers and sisters? He needed affection. And so, he replaced the family he lost with those he had around him now: humans. Now it was time for his most difficult challenge,

His natural prey: lambs. The finest food. But he couldn’t touch it. It was absolute torture. Every day for weeks. With the adults, it was a different story. The black ram knew exactly what he was dealing with: a young predator. And he didn’t want him in his flock.

That black ram would become his worst nightmare. Meanwhile, he would have to get used to smelling like ram’s droppings, one of the human’s ideas for getting the flock to accept him. Jiri gradually understood that his family took care of the flock. He copied them.

When there was a wolf attack, the humans were unhappy. They didn’t like the wolves’ scent. Jiri understood that the wolf must be fought. On the other hand, when the flock was calm, his family was happy and he liked that. All Jiri wanted to do was to please his human family

And receive their affection in return. By observing people, Jiri learned what he had to do to make them happy. Staying very calm when they’re performing a ceremony, not protesting when they baptize you and put ribbons on you. The people could do what they want,

As long as he got some affection, Jiri was happy. Jiri is now six months old and a series of tests await him to complete his apprenticeship. His new job? Watching over the flock while the humans are sleeping. And at the first sign of danger, alerting his family. Another of the dogs’ incredible talents.

To communicate with us, they learned to bark, a language that wolves can’t speak. Jiri is about to learn the most important part of the job. It’s his first migration, towards new pastures, to the salt lakes. No more fences, no more protection, just wide open spaces and hundreds of sheep

And goats to protect, including the black ram. He has to keep the flock in a single group, bring back those that try to escape, urge on those that don’t want to advance and always, without a moment’s pause, always watch over his flock. In exchange for his devotion, Jiri gets his reward.

He is loved by the leader of his pack. That’s the unwritten contract that binds the shepherd and his dog. Now that Jiri has their trust, he can guide the flock even when the humans aren’t there. His hunting instincts have been transformed into an instinct for protection,

The flock have accepted him, even that black ram. Jiri has become the perfect sheep dog. All that is theirs is his. In winter, sometimes he spends weeks all alone without anything to eat. In rare circumstances, he’s allowed to eat a member of the flock, ideally a black ram.

Our partnership with dogs was crucial in domesticating other animals and the advantages have been considerable. Readily available food, fertilizer for our crops, wool and leather for our clothes, bone tips for our arrows, fat for our candles. Over time, we’ve decided to keep increasing numbers of animals with us

And dogs took on the task of protecting them, all over the world. Around 10,000 years ago, dogs protected the first goats in the Middle East, followed by sheep in Persia. At the same time, pigs were domesticated in China. Then came cattle in India and the Middle East.

Then, horses in Central Asia and Spain, llamas in Peru. Each time, dogs protected these animals. The Romans created the ancestor of the Rottweiler to accompany the herds that fed the soldiers of the Empire. In the 19th century, some of today’s most popular breeds appeared. The German Shepherd, the Border Collie, to drive herds,

The Shetland Sheep Dog, Swiss Mountain Dog, Belgian Shepherd, Pyrenean Shepherd. More recently, we’ve even discovered a way for dogs to be adopted by non-human families. Dogs like the Pyrenean Mountain Dog are raised with the lambs from birth. At two months, they’re placed in the flock, alone.

Away from humans, the puppy accepts the sheep as family. They become his brothers and sisters. While some dogs become sheep dogs to guard people’s livestock, others utilize their predatory qualities to help them eat. But let’s go back to the beginning. People have always known that wolves are formidable hunters.

They’ve seen them in action, even copying their techniques. But the wolves’ effectiveness is down to one thing: their collective strength. And, so, humans created powerful packs of dogs. Dogs that are obedient to humans, but capable of transforming into a group of organized predators. Tame dogs that are capable of unleashing their inner wolf.

How have men and dogs managed to create this remarkable alliance? To understand, here’s the story of one of them: a black and tan hound. His name is Forbin. He also has light patches above his eyes, like all black and tan hounds. At two months, Forbin was placed in a litter

Of tri-color dogs, five siblings, all older, stronger, and heavier than him. Unlike the others, pack hounds keep to themselves their entire lives, like wolves. Humans give them food, monitor their health, but they don’t try to adopt them into a human family. Forbin’s family is the pack.

He must obey the law of the pack. But how can he integrate in a group where he’s always the weakest? This struggle will define Forbin’s life. Forbin is now two years old. The time has come for him to join the big pack, a critical day for him. They number about a hundred

And have lived together for many years. Forbin is the new arrival, impossible to go unnoticed. They all want to look at him, smell him. It’s a risky moment. He must pick out the aggressive dogs and not rise to their provocations. And he can’t lie down or else they’ll attack him.

He mustn’t show the least aggression. If he makes the slightest mistake, he’ll get a nasty bite. They all want to be the first to the meat. It’s been the same story for Forbin since he was little. He’ll eat after the others. It’s more sensible. He takes up a discreet place,

But it’s clear that his place in the pack is not a very comfortable one. The night before the hunt, the man’s choosing his team. They can’t all go. Forbin doesn’t know what’s happening. He senses that something’s going on, but he’s never left the kennel with the big dogs.

But today, his deepest nature will finally express itself. Being the descendant of wolves, his sense of smell, his cunning, and his intelligence will all be unleashed on the hunt. He can instinctively track the prey with his nose. He’s guided by the scent the animals left on the ground.

But the wild boar’s already far away. An ancient tactic comes into play. The pack fans out to pick up any scent. The dogs follow the boar’s scent for several hours. Meanwhile, the boar has a plan to scatter his pursuers. He mixes with the other boars, rubs against them, mingling their scent.

Forbin knows instinctively how to work as a team to thwart the boar’s plans and tire him out. Go, go! But wait, what’s going through Forbin’s mind today? He’s giving into another urge even more powerful. His instinct is telling him to leave the pack now. He must stay in the forest.

Why is Forbin doing this? It’s an instinctive reflex passed on from his ancestors. If a young wolf fails to make a decent place for himself in the pack where he’s born, he leaves. He’s looking for another pack. But where is he to find one? This morning, his instinct tells him

There’s a good meal waiting at the kennel, better go back. Nope, on second thought, it’s not a good idea. He’s better off finding his own food. But there’s nothing to eat. A nice meal does sound good when you’re hungry. Should he go back to the kennel? Back to the pack?

For days, Forbin has wandered through the forest in search of a nonexistent pack. He has roamed the area, looking for food he can’t find. Forbin can go a little while without eating, but how long can he remain alone? Dogs are social animals, not made for solitude. He needs others too much.

Eventually, Forbin made his choice and the man knew exactly where to find him. Forbin wasn’t the first. The ones that run away always come back. Forbin’s story helps us understand how humans joined forces with dogs for hunting. They simply brought out the wolf the dogs had within. But dogs are no longer wolves.

They’re deeply connected to us, even though instinct sometimes calls them back to the forest. Many years ago, before the invention of fire arms, hunting with hounds proved to be a tremendous improvement in capturing all kinds of prey. Thanks to these dogs, we suddenly doubled the number of animals we caught.

We could feed entire clans and villages. A huge step forward. No wonder we considered dogs a blessing. Thanks to them, we could survive the long, glacial winters. When meat became the only food available, they allowed us to obtain important reserves by catching these large mammals. Our hunting partnership lead to many specialized breeds.

By selecting certain characteristics and breeding the best specimens, men created dogs adapted to the animal they wanted to hunt. Fishermen in America created the Labrador, a great swimmer who could retrieve fish. It’s become one of the most popular and trustworthy family pets. Scottish miners created the Yorkshire Terrier

To hunt rats in the mines. This highly affectionate little ratter is now found on sofas in smart living Ruems. Reverend Russell created the Jack Russell Terrier. Its short legs allow it to slip into foxes’ dens. In France, the poodle was created for hunting ducks, completely at ease in the water

Thanks to its waterpRuef coat. In Germany, the Dachshund was bred to flush out badgers, a highly intelligent society dog that can easily take over a household. In Russia, a high performance greyhound for hunting wolves and bears, the Borzoi. The Babylonians created the ancestor of the Great Dane for hunting boar.

It would become a gentle giant. In the Middle East, for hunting hares, the family of greyhounds appeared: Salukis, Afghans, Sloughis, et cetera. They became the hunting companions of the people of the desert. In China, the Chow was bred to hunt wolves. In Japan, the Shiba Inu, for hunting rabbits and birds.

It has become Japan’s favorite pet dog. Terriers, scent hounds, pointers, retrievers, a wide range of breeds adapted for each type of hunting. Then, people realized that they could improve some of their dog’s abilities, starting with their sense of smell. This nose is, in fact, a very long, moist hoover

At the end of which is a huge mucous membrane, a pleated sheet of a 120 square meters situated at the back of the nasal cavity. The human membrane is only 20 square meters. Three hundred million nerve cells capable of identifying every molecule of scent and a brain capable of memorizing

Every combination in existence. In other words, when it comes to identifying smells, dogs are true prodigies, even from birth. However, in this field, one dog stands out above all others. A legendary dog known the world over. They say it appeared in the Middle Ages, in Belgium, in a monastery.

Endowed with a majestic, incomparable nose, the Sherlock Holmes of dogs, the Bloodhound. His name is Lux and his partner, John, is a ranger. For six years, they have protected the Ol Pejeta Reserve, one of Kenya’s wildlife sanctuaries. Today, the reserve is home to hundreds of elephants

And a handful of the last few rhinoceroses in Africa, animals that have the misfortune of carrying a fortune on their bodies, easy prey for poachers. Traffickers have slaughtered thousands of animals here without being caught. They’re prepared to kill them and cut off their heads

For the ivory that is so highly prized in China. For the last six years, Lux has successfully tracked down dozens of them. Nowadays, Lux is a tired, old dog. It’s time for him to hand over to a new hero. For the end of his career, John has planned an important trek for him.

The operation begins at nightfall on the 25th of October. Eight hours later, Lux is on the scene. The fugitives have left their scent on the ground. It’ll be his reference. Lux can follow a scent up to four days later. Eight hours, for him, it’s as if they just left.

Everyone depends on his work. At the rear, a young female observes Lux’s movements attentively. Her name is Sophie and she’s the dog squad’s newest recruit. She learns by watching Lux in action. This is Lux’s last mission and now he’s training Sophie to take his place. Lux doesn’t hear anything.

He doesn’t see what’s going on around him. His large ears keep the smells around his nose. Lux is relentless. He will follow a scent until he drops. Sophie doesn’t take her eyes off Lux’s work for a second. The team is also accompanied by Diego, a Malinois. Better to keep him on your side.

Diego has been trained to attack. He’s the one that normally finishes the job. The trail Lux follows is like a dotted line in a particular color. But there are thousands of dotted lines of all colors. Lux comes face to face with his worst enemy: a river.

Now Sophie must learn one of the hardest parts of the job. There are no scents on the water. They slid across the surface and were carried off by the current. They must find where the man got out on the other side. They’ve come 60 kilometers in 40 degrees heat. Lux is totally exhausted.

It’s Sophie’s turn, her first mission. She analyzes the molecular composition of the scent and lodges it in her memory. She switches into tracking mode, as if she can see it all in the past. They’re off again. He came through here and left another kind of trace: blood. And everyone’s blood smells different.

Sophie’s mission is reaching its end, but there’s one last difficulty. The fugitive escaped on a motorbike. The scent of his feet has vanished. But the smell of his blood takes over. Sophie reprograms her tracking system. He’s close. The training is finished. That’s it, Sophie’s ready, and old Lux can be replaced.

Lux is retiring, but he leaves behind an incredible record. In the Ol Pejeta Reserve, poaching has fallen more than 80% thanks to him and Diego. These guys are really good at their jobs and poachers fear them. Thanks to them, the elephants of Ol Pejeta can sleep easily once more.

10,000 years ago, humans learned that they could also use the dogs’ strength and endurance to help them get around. In Syberia, they invented the first form of fast transport: the dog sled. Capable of running a hundred kilometers a day, lowering the temperature of their paws and muscle to zero degrees,

These early endurance athletes allowed humans to transport themselves and their belongings across vast distances. Man’s world was expanding, but there was more. Like Hatchet, this young spaniel, some dogs would show themselves capable of saving our lives. Nowadays, they’re trained to come to our rescue

In the mountains, in the sea, or even in buildings reduced to rubble by earthquakes. Rescue dogs. Still the same motivation: pleasing their humans, seeking their presence, offering their smell, their hearing, their endurance, their night vision, their courage. But we’ve also set them to tasks that have gradually distanced them

From the natural world of dogs. We’ve used them like tools. And this has complicated our relationship with them. It’s six o’clock in the morning, in the far east of Cambodia. This six year old female Malinois leaving for work is called Jellig. She’s a seasoned expert. She was trained by her partner, Neve.

For many years, Jellig and Neve have undertaken a monumental task, clearing the country of the landmines and unexploded bombs that still litter the ground. Four million mines and 26 million bombs are still buried in this rapidly growing country. Thousands of people have repopulated incredibly dangerous areas. This morning, the mine clearing pair

Have been called to an emergency. A farmer has uncovered a cluster bomb. If one is found, that means others will be nearby. Jellig knows exactly what is expected of her and if she finds a few bombs, she might get a reward, maybe even get to play. With all these curious bystanders,

It’s difficult to set up a secure perimeter. It’s still an extremely dangerous situation. She can detect the faintest scent of metal in the ground. Here’s one, right here. But it’s buried deep underground. Jellig can find bombs up to six meters down. She sits and stays still. Neve understands.

Her dog would like a reward, but that’s not allowed. Not on duty. 40 years ago, a huge cluster bomb scattered its explosives here, for dozens of meters in all directions. They were buried in the wet ground and now they’ve resurfaced. There’s another one. This one is much closer to the surface, be careful.

These little bombs look like toys. It’s playing with them that leaves children killed or maimed. During their career, Jellig and Neve’s partnership has undoubtedly prevented hundreds of deaths and at least as many horrific injuries. We can clearly understand Neve’s motivation, but what about the dog? Since she was a little puppy,

Jellig has spent her days sniffing around for bits of metal in the ground. At school, she was rewarded when she did well, but work is different, no more rewards. Jellig is giving up. She doesn’t want to work any more, she’s burnt out. She can’t go on. Neve knows what this means.

If Jellig can no longer work, she’ll be taken away from her. In this business, there’s no time to wait for a dog to get better. Jellig is replaced by a younger female, still full of enthusiasm. When we use dogs as tools, our relationship with them deteriorates. When the emotional bond is neglected,

The dog loses its reason for living. Can Jellig keep working? Dogs who aren’t 100% focused can’t be used for mine clearing. It’s crucial for Neve to re-motivate her. But how do you restore the relationship between human and dog? It’s simple and beautiful. By taking time to share affection, play together,

Do nothing together, by being there, by each other’s side, present, caring, nourishing the bond that has united us for thousands of years. We couldn’t have formed this partnership without reciprocity. On the other hand, when dogs are aware of their own usefulness and the loving bond is maintained,

They’re capable of doing incredible things for us. One of these wonders has come to the aid of people in distress. The world has changed since our first interactions with wolves. There are more people, but sometimes there’s also more loneliness. Some people live in isolation from the rest of the world.

We treat them using psychotherapy and medication. But recently, we’ve started to help them using dogs. This is the story of how a young dog could heal a woman wounded by events in her life. The dog’s name is Rue. She’s successfully treated Brittany’s post-traumatic stress disorder. Their story begins a year earlier.

It’s the beginning of her training and Rue is five weeks old. Let’s go, nice and easy, let’s go. She must keep her balance and not fall. The man’s voice reassures her. Let’s go across. Good girl, easy. She’s going to fall. No, he’s there to help here. Easy. Wait. Wait, easy.

She must take time to do these tasks properly. The man’s voice tells her she has time. Easy, easy, got you. Rue takes confidence. She’ll need it. Good girl. Rue is now 10 months old. She’s ready. Her healing power is within her. A young woman is waiting for her. Thank you. You’re welcome.

Thank you very much. Hey, hey. The dog’s eye contact triggers the release of oxytocin in her. The woman feels something, she’s touched. Rue studies her face. She can feel her tension. You want to take her for a walk? Absolutely. Go for it. Hey, Russo, let’s go. Come on, hey.

We now know that oxytocin, the hormone that is released when people have contact with dogs, stimulates attachment. The simple presence of the dog makes her happy. And this happiness is transmitted to the dog, who also produces the same hormone, a virtuous circle. A bond is forming.

An awful story brought Brittany into contact with Rue today. She suffered a traumatic episode in her own unit in the Canadian Army that cut her off from everyone else. Since then, she’s lived alone and speaks to no one. Rue can’t understand the story, but she is capable of deciphering several emotions

From Brittany’s facial expressions. Suffering. Fear. And shame. Rue senses her distress. But remains the same as always. Ready for a good meal. Or to share a moment of affection. Rue’s brain is perfectly equipped to understand Brittany’s emotions. In this woman, she perceives a world of anxiety, the fear of being attacked,

The need to protect herself from others. One of the dog’s greatest qualities is that they don’t judge. Rue is happy just to take it all in. But how far does it go? Can she hear her nightmares? When you have her step down, mindful– Back to the training camp, the first test.

Rue has to balance on these cans. She can do it, she just has to stay calm. Okay, go ahead. Let’s go, step down. But Brittany’s worried she’ll fall, she’s stressed. Feet down, knock it off. Good stand. And her stress is transmitted to the dog. Yep. Let’s go, step up.

This exercise forces the young woman to control her emotions. You have to remember that the dog is feeling our vibration, okay? Nice and easy, step down. What affects you will affect her. That’s how Rue calms down and everything’s fine. It’s an important step for Brittany. All right. Good?

I don’t know if I can do it. You can do it. The second test is even tougher. Okay? I don’t know. You don’t know if you can get it? She has to cross the gap to reach her dog. Talk to your dog. It’s okay, wait. Slide your palm, talk to your dog.

Faced with the drop, Brittany’s anxieties come flooding back. Wait. Hands first. She can’t do it. Josh, I can’t. Talk to your dog. It’s okay, wait. I can’t. Yes, you can. I can’t. Why? I can’t, Josh. You can. I can’t do it. Rue senses that Brittany’s discouraged.

But she just wants to play and have fun. Every day, Rue needs to play, to be fed, taken out, cuddled. Simple needs that force Brittany to take care of Rue. This helps connect her to the real world and her dog loves it, too.

You want Rue to come to you, show you the way? Okay, okay. You want Rue to come? Yeah. Okay, Rue. Nice and easy. Let’s go, easy. To help her companion, Rue takes the risk of crossing the beam. Wait. Okay, keep moving, keep talking. I’m here, push. Hey, easy, easy, easy.

Rue shows her the way. Keep moving, keep talking. She takes on the responsibility for her. Okay, I’m here, push. Brittany can do it, with a little help from her dog. Good, wait. Day after day, her fears recede. Brittany has a renewed sense of confidence. Her dog watches over her,

Listening out for her moments of weakness with constant vigilance. She protects her. Tests show that a dog’s presence really does have positive natural effects on our health. It steadies our heart rate, lowers our blood pressure, lifts our mood, reassures us. The dogs’ infinite patience and steadfast love for their humans

Have a lot to do with it. You good? Yep. The final test: the foot bridge, the end of the road. Cross. Move. The goal? To cross to the other side, across the gap. Watch your leg there. Nice, talk to your dog. Put it back. You can actually grab the handle, no.

Gotta go back, talk to her. Rue is in danger. But she puts herself entirely in Brittany’s hands. For the first time in a long time, Brittany feels responsibility and she acts. Good cross, wait. Good wait, cross. Good cross, push. Good push, wait. Having confidence in herself will let her love herself again.

This experimental therapeutic method has already had some surprising results. In a few weeks, Rue has enabled Brittany to return to a more or less normal social life. For those in charge of Brittany’s care, the healing power of dogs has not yet been explained by science. The connection between humans and dogs

Is deeper than we can imagine. Their powers of understanding are immense. They’re capable of pulling sufferers out of their distress. They’re incredibly strong companions. A mutual love has grown between Rue and Brittany, a bond that makes the future look very bright. Today, we’re discovering the incredible therapeutic abilities of dogs.

More and more of them play auxiliary roles in hospitals. They provide priceless care to patients. But there are still plenty of unsolved questions. Hatchie and Owen’s story is yet another part of the mystery. We have an emergency rescue of a dog who collapsed on the railway tracks.

It begins on a winter night in a London suburb. Yeah, I can take that. Can I get the post code? Yeah, I’ll send it over now, thanks. You’re okay, it’s okay. Good dog, really good. I’ve located the dog on the train tracks. I’m gonna see about getting these trains stopped now. Many thanks.

You’re fine. A dog has been abandoned on a railway track in the middle of the night. Someone wanted him dead. A male, six months old. He has broken bones all over his body from his mistreatment. And a serious leg injury from the impact of the train.

They have to operate on the dog for him to survive. An association takes him and gives him a name: Hatchie. But what can they do with this lame and traumatized dog? Can he ever trust humans again? Who would want him? The association posts a photo on Facebook.

We’ll take your pulse, first of all. Just checking you’re alive. Yeah. You know? In Surrey, a boy named Owen is suffering from a rare muscular condition. Suddenly, he finds himself faced with a new challenge: a growth spurt has caused his whole face to change.

The other kids at school are teasing him about it. Owen’s beginning to understand he’s different. Bye. Love you. Love you. He has to struggle with loneliness, despair, even. Good night, buddy. Good night. And that’s when Owen’s family sees that photo of Hatchie and decides to give it a try. It has its risks.

Hatchie’s three times heavier than Owen. He was abused by people. Will he be a good dog? Why would he want to be with a little boy he doesn’t know? Hatchie immediately senses the boy’s fragility. He adjusts his movements so he doesn’t knock him over. Amazingly, he immediately accepts the little boy’s friendship. Hatchie!

With Hatchie, Owen’s having fun again. With Owen, Hatchie’s rediscovering his love of life. Hatchie! Hatchie! How can a dog that was beaten and left for dead by his previous owners give his affection so quickly to a child he doesn’t know? This story of Hatchie and Owen reveals an uncomfortable truth.

Even when a dog’s been mistreated, he continues to trust people, to love them, even, and to crave the least sign of affection. It’s been amazing. And it won’t be the same without you. I love you, buddy, you’re the best. Dogs arrived in our lives when we were nomads and hunter-gatherers.

They were like us. They won us over and made a place for themselves at our side. They protected our harvests and allowed us to build up reserves. So we became farmers. They agreed to protect other animals for us and we became shepherds. They were happy to hunt their prey with us

And we became the most powerful hunters on the planet. They gifted us their many talents: their sense of smell, their strength, their stamina, their intelligence. They’ve come everywhere with us, even into the cities. And they’ve even been able to figure out our thoughts and feelings. Today, they accompany us from our earliest years.

They teach our children about friendship and loyalty. They make us exercise, smile, and play. Loyal in the good times, as well as the bad. They follow us into our golden years and console us in the loneliness of old age. This animal born of our alliance with the wolves,

There’s nothing like him in the whole natural world. With his unconditional love, he truly is man’s best friend.


  1. Et toujours le meilleur ami sans équivalent pour l éternité. 55 ans de passion et de routes avec mes meilleures amies qui soit.
    Ils sont sincères et vous donnes tellements d amours lorsque l'ont vous a trahis. L humain.

  2. "Ami de l'homme" Ça dépend, parce qu'au lieu de s'attaquer aux esclavagistes et aux soldats, le chien poursuivait les esclaves ou/et les prisonniers des camps nazis, en fuite. Comme j'ai de l'empathie pour ces victimes, je préfère, de loin, les chats. Les félins ne doivent pas être sortis matin et soir pour saloper les trottoirs et ils n'ennuient pas les voisins ou mes grasses matinées.

  3. Oui le loup la femme ancienne perdait souvent ses enfants et donner son seins aux louveteaux après le rapprochement et le prix des alarmes maison le dealer qui vend plus que toi dans le bus en tripotant mr dames maintenant le chien détecteur de mensonge. Bientôt même maintenant un président grand loup garoups
    Enfin les chiens battus et brûlées en Espagne ou donner vivant aux tygres au zoo..
    De toute façon la plus grande viande de nourriture en viande c'était gauloise.
    Arrêter en 1940 les boucheries félines et canines par Hadolf Hitler

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