Now he smiles nonstop and has his own Stanley cup ❤️

We spoke to @carliegrisham about how she got Baylor out of that yard where he’d been kept his whole life, and how she got her parents to adopt him!

hey baby oh you’re so sweet my Dad ran into someone who knew of a neglected golden retriever this sweet golden that is locked up in an outside pen with no cover 24/7 I’m going to try to rescue this dog don’t know how I’m going to do it I got in contact with the woman who my dad had spoken with I’m waiting to hear what the response is we’re going to get him we’re coming Baylor what do you think he was finally free after 8 years of neglect I wanted to adopt Baylor myself even though I don’t have the room for it we already have two my parents had rescued one of our foster dogs hope hope and Baylor really just hit it off they decided to officially adopt him welcome he’s officially a part of our family


  1. That dog looks fine. Actually, it looks a tad over weight. Fur appears clean and unmatted. Also, there was a dog house, so how are you saying he had no covering? Growing up, we had dogs that were strictly outdoor dogs, and we loved them unconditionally for 13 and 16 years, respectively. It doesn't make them neglected because they lived outdoors.

  2. The sweetest dogs always end up with the meanest, the most neglectful, or at minimum apathetic, owners 💔 I'm glad the original dog owner agreed to do the right thing.

  3. What the hell is wrong with people keeping a dog outside for 8 years!! I hope he has nothing but happiness!!

  4. Can see in video he did have shelter/cover – and food and water – although the lady in the video said he had nothing.
    This may cause some disagreement, but I know many people who own dogs that they don’t keep in the house (larger breed dogs that is)…they have dog house, yard, toys, and food/water. Also farms and ranches have dogs to help on the farm and they many times do not live in the house but have a dog house or live in the barn with the animals they are protecting or herding. Idk, this video confused me and I’m just not going to call this dog neglected. She says it was for 8 years but that dog looks clean, well fed, socialized, and healthy (besides over weight). Many people w dogs also will leave them outside during the day while they go to work or school, then sleep inside. Idk, this lady seemed to just want to do this for a video and this dog didn’t require a ton of vet care or months of rehab.

  5. Thank you for helping him❤ my dog is a very big boy he has his own coach 3seater , he's had a bad paw so i took off the legs . I don't want to say the breed he's a massive 97 kg but he is so gentle. Please enjoy your new dog.

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