Oden the staffie didn’t know how to feel about his baby brother until… 🥹

he was definitely the baby of the house can pick up Odin and hold him like a baby Tom was definitely a favorite Odin got closer with me during my pregnancy when Rio was born the connection wasn’t completely instant like I thought it would be I wasn’t quite sure what to do the attention was obviously on the newborn and you didn’t want Odin to get too close Odin uh uh uh when Rio smiled at Odin it was super special the time when their relationship shifted was when Ria started to touch and feel Odin was like oh I get extra pets completely changed how he felt about him I took ear some time when it came to sharing his dad with Rio but he’s definitely learned is absolutely the glue to our little family


  1. I'm not going to go off on my usual rant about pitbulls/staffies because last time I did I was still sitting here 2 hours later and in complete tears but I will just say this. In my profession I have had the opportunity to meet I will say somewhere between probably 500 and 1,000 pit bulls. Some had been abused and used for fighting and were aggressive, some were not. Most of the ones I've met have been raised in loving, positive environment. Out of the ones who were raised in a loving positive environment, I'm going to give you a rough estimate of how many of those were mean or aggressive. It's ZERO. Not one has been aggressive in any way whatsoever, quite the opposite, they are the most gentle loving wonderful happy silly babies you could ever ask for. That is their inherent nature. They are not born mean. Ever. They are turned that way. As I said I probably met between 500 and 1,000 pitbulls and never have I met one that I did not like, or in the case of the aggressive rescues, I never met one I didn't learn to like. Pitbulls are not the monsters that they're made out to be. For some reason, every decade a new dog breed gets a reputation as being a vicious killer. It used to be German shepherds and then it was Dobermans and then it was rottweilers, and now it's pits. I don't know why that happens but it's such a shame because it leads to pitbulls living in adoption shelters. If you go and look online at any adoption shelter in this country I guarantee you that more than half, usually more like 80%, of their dogs up for adoption are pit bulls. It's because people are afraid to give them a chance. And it's just so unnecessary. These dogs are not inherently born mean, that is not their true disposition at all. They are not naturally aggressive dogs. They're just not. Out of all the pits that I have had the pleasure of getting to know, guess what percentage of them didn't have a mean bone in their body, wouldn't hurt a fly, was scared of their own shadow, was the sweetest thing ever. 100% of them. Every single one. Every time. If you find a mean Pitbull it is because it was raised to be that way by people who have no business having dogs. One thing that is keeping this stereotype going is the fact that people are using these dogs for fighting, and they literally have to fight for their lives on a regular basis and of course it causes them to become aggressive. That's all they know. They've never known anything but fighting. And the other thing that makes them so fearsome is because of the damage they can inflict when they do attack. They're very strong and muscular and that's just the way that they are structured. There is a video on YouTube of a raid on a man's house and in the backyard they found 30 some pitbulls each chained to a separate tree with no food or water, and the cops were obviously hesitant to approach them to give them water, but they did slowly and they were met with nothing but smiling faces and wagging tails. Not one single dog tried to bite or act aggressive. Not one out of over 30. Also, there is basically what amounts to a witch Hunt going on right now with these dogs. I personally was involved in a case where a 10 year old boy was attacked and nearly killed by a pack of dogs, not one of which was a pitbull. But the authorities came to this boy's neighbor's house took their pitbulls and euthanized them. And guess what, it wasn't their dna. They got pulled out of their homes and killed literally just because they were pit bulls. They had never been aggressive ever, even the boy was able to tell them that this was not the dogs, the owners were trying to tell them these dogs are not aggressive and they took them anyway. I know there are a few similar instances in my area. And I have heard similar stories from countless others. It's just crazy. This has got to stop. Right now pit bulls are in high demand, they are a fad basically and too many people think it's cool to have a mean dog. Also, if you have a pet pit and you value it, do not leave it alone because they are disappearing out of backyards and off of porches. This happened to my uncle. I knew exactly what had happened. And I was right. We were able to track her down 12 days later basically just with the pressure of social media, I mean I had that dog's face plastered everywhere, and finally she was surrendered at the police station and when we got her back she had rope burns on her neck. She had been stolen to put in a fighting ring. This is happening everywhere in huge numbers. It's so sad. If you've never owned a pit, please go rescue one. Give it a chance. I just saw something on TV the other day about one shelters longest resident. Guess who it was, it was a beautiful female pitbull who had been at the shelter for 7 freaking years, and she was a beautiful one, and wasn't aggressive at all. It's just that nobody wanted her because she was a pit. Also, the ones in the shelters up for adoption are not going to be aggressive, because it is very typical for the aggressive ones to be euthanized rather than put up for adoption. Which is also sad, because even the mean ones even the fighting dogs can be somewhat rehabilitated, obviously not fully, because they have serious trust issues. These dogs have never known anything but abuse. But with time and effort, they can become great pets for certain people. These dogs that have been in fighting rings and have been abused tend to be a one-person dog for whatever reason. I guess it's just so hard for them to trust humans that they pick one human that they trust and go with it, so they can be rehabilitated and make good pets for single people. Anyway, please people, spread the word that these dogs are not the vicious Fighting machines that they are portrayed to be. That is not the nature of these dogs. The nature of these dogs is actually the opposite. One of my pets will run from an ant. One single ant. They are quite often afraid of their own shadows, so it's just not true the reputation that they have gained. Give them a chance. Rescue one, don't buy one. Go look at shelter sites and see how many pit bulls are there. It is so heartbreaking. Go rescue one and tell everybody you know to go rescue one. EVERYBODY that ends up giving pits a chance never looks back and become repeat owners. I promise you you will not regret it ever. PEOPLE ALWAYS TELL ME IT'S THE BEST THING THEY EVER DID, AND DIDN'T REALIZE ANYTHING WAS MISSING IN THEIR LIFE UNTIL THEY GOT THEIR PIT.

  2. Having a dog thst close to your baby, and the dog is lip licking….people! Stop humanizing your dog! ANY dog can bite. But social media, right? YOUR dog is the dog that just loves that baby as his own!! He would never choose to hurt it. Keep filming. Btw, ive had 4 staffies of my own, great dogs❤ but i dont put human emotions and decision-making on them. They are dogs, not humans.

  3. Love that he is a “Staffy.” Would like people to call Pitties, Staffies to take some of the stigma off them. They are wonderful dogs. I miss ours. She gave us 15 wonderful years. There is a responsibility that needs to always be kept in mind since they are so strong.

  4. Smilng in the dog world , can be an aggressive gesture misinterpreted , showing teeth has two different mesages in canine communication. Thank God the baby has no teeth. Scary the dog does .

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