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Hi, I’m veterinarian Yoon. Today, I am raising a topic… Dachshund vs. munchkin. Whose legs are shorter? I will try again… To draw… Look alike? Dachshund vs. munchkin. (Figure and characteristics) Look here. The ribcage is striking out. Dachshund has… Bigger ribcage and short legs… Some ribcages are touching the ground. In foreign countries… It’s called ‘Hotdog Dog’. Looking alike a sausage… Actually, longer than this… I had to draw longer by double length… Having a long shape… And for the munchkin, I drew much prettier, intentionally… Short legs… Circle eyes… Why munchkin and dachshund have… Short legs? For Dachshund, It was named since it’s specialized in hunting the badger… When badgers dig the crave, Or hide underneath, Using the long body and short legs, Finally catches badger. It was evolution. And for Minchkin, It was by mutation. By accident… But people was fascinated by… This short legs. Don’t you think it’s very cute? And induced mating… That’s the story of their short and cute legs. Dachshund vs. Munchkin (History) Dachshund was, Beloved by noble families. Originated from Germany, they were beloved by British royal family. And munchkin… Absolutely no relation with chicken, though the pronunciation is very similar… Its name was derived from short tribe of ‘Wizard of Oz’. Interesting? It was breed-improved only in 1980s. So, world cat federation did not recognize. Officially accepted only in 1995. Is Munchkin beloved these days… Than Dachshund? Yes, comparatively recently. Dachshund vs. Munchkin Dachshund is categorized according to, Big or small. The original type, a standard one… Is a middle-weight, over than 10kg. Usually we meet the miniature ones. Short legs. And smaller one, Rabbit. Dachshund is usually with short hair, But there also are long hair. And a little tough hair… Called wire-haired. Dachshund lose much hair… It is true? Hairs are too short… So, it stucks on the cloths. Even under the skin of legs… So, they are… Very tough… Especially Dachshund and Miniature Pinscher. For cat, long hair tribes lose much… But for dog, short hair lose much more? Dogs lose short hair… When wastes stacks up among the hair… It loses by themselves. That’s the way they keep clean. That is how they live. For cats, It cleans by themselves by grooming. It’s different. For Munchkin, they have mated with other tribes. For example, Minuet. Between Munchkin and Persian. And there are lots of others. Dachshund vs. Munchkin (Characteristics) They both are very beautiful. But the characteristics are not always mild. Dachshund still has hunting habits. Usually Dachshund are… Brought up not in single… Usually, 2 or 3. They live in groups. Attacks one in a group, And to other animals, They threat. Sometimes, it could be problems. Very loyal to the master, But barks to strangers. With a very loud noise. For Beagle, They are very active and energetic. But we don’t know about Dachshund. People usually adopt them simply because they are cute. But soon after, many abandon. They are very clever to understand human orders. And socialization is better. Very smart… So, with good training… They seldom causes problems. The, how about Munchkin? They are very active in nature… And bright… Like to play… Obey human… But sometimes tiny ones are too sensitive. In animal clinic, They cannot stand when we touch the fore legs. With their short legs, Punches! They seem they don’t know they are very small cats. Dachshund vs. Munchkin (Diseases) Dachshund is not very good due to genetic diseases. Especially disc problem. It’s because… They very long and mean body… They have to stand the body weight… And easily get heavy weights, since they like to eat. I think they are… Most frequent tribe to get disc operation. But the operation is not very common. Usually the diseases are cared by… The pills. When it’s serious and need operation, They usually are with long body. How about Munchkin? Oh, they seldom get diseases. When I first entered in this field, I thought Munchkin is… Problematic in the legs… But it was not. Does Munchkin have disc problems? No. Seldom. You see… This is scapula. Like a wing… It’s not stuck with ribs firmly. Flexible… Like a cusion. Dogs have disc problem… When they jump down. Having the full weight on the body. But cats are very flexible, And in nature, they can stand the body weight. It’s not Munchkin only… Usually cats don’t have disc problem. Dachshund vs. Munchkin (Prevention and Cautions) For Dachshund, before all… On the bed or any high spaces… Stairways or slopes are needed. And carpets, to avoid them against slipping… Make them easier to jump. And care for nails not to be slipped. You can see them… Very fat… So, weight control is needed. To avoid the disc problem. Like us. Muscles by exercise.. To avoid disc problem. For dogs, it’s the same. For those have disc problem… Walking could cause… Greater pain… So, the swimming is the best. Dachshund vs. Munchkin (Final Answer) So… Who’s shorter? I said by drawing… Munchkin is shorter… You see it’s true… When I draw blood on the fore legs… It’s hard to find place to touch… They legs are just like our fingers… Then… Munchkin is winner! Short legs.. But very cute! Good understanding of tribes… And having knowledge of disease.. It will lead to good bringing up!


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