Dog 2023.02.05掘ってもご飯出てこんよcocker spaniel puppy!There are a lot of other videos on this channel. Come on in! #shorts
Dog 2023.02.04子犬の甘噛みcocker spaniel puppy!There are a lot of other videos on this channel. Come on in! #shorts
Dog 2023.02.02肘掛けを完璧に使いこなす犬cocker spaniel!There are a lot of other videos on this channel. Come on in! #shorts
Dog 2023.01.31強い意志を感じるcocker spaniel puppy!There are a lot of other videos on this channel. Come on in! #shorts
Dog 2023.01.30どういう体勢?cocker spaniel!There are a lot of other videos on this channel. Come on in! #shorts
Dog 2023.01.27くつろぐ犬cocker spaniel!There are a lot of other videos on this channel. Come on in! #shorts
Dog 2023.01.26子犬の歯は痛いのよcocker spaniel puppy!There are a lot of other videos on this channel. Come on in! #shorts
Dog 2023.01.25近づいて犬ドリルcocker spaniel!There are a lot of other videos on this channel. Come on in! #shorts
Dog 2023.01.24スヤスヤめーやんcocker spaniel puppy!There are a lot of other videos on this channel. Come on in! #shorts
Dog 2023.01.21ぴょんぴょんめーやんcocker spaniel puppy!There are a lot of other videos on this channel. Come on in! #shorts
Dog 2023.01.20コケるめーやんcocker spaniel puppy!There are a lot of other videos on this channel. Come on in! #shorts
Dog 2023.01.17cocker spaniel puppy!There are a lot of other videos on this channel. Come on in! #shorts