Dog 2024.01.11Work out! (New Year’s Mountain Hiking) [Rescued Border Collie, 3rd year]●御岳山・ハイキング・ボーダーコリー
Dog 2024.01.08Don’t worry about our fortune! (First shrine visit) [Rescued Border Collie, 3rd year]●御岳山・初詣・ボーダーコリー
Dog 2023.11.13That’s not success, that’s failure! (Dog agility training) [Rescued Border Collie, 3rd year]●ボーダーコリー
Dog 2023.09.25[ENG SUB] Burn the idol in your eyes! (Festival for pets) [Rescued Border Collie]●ペテモフェス・葉菜・ボーダーコリー
Dog 2023.05.04[ENG SUB] Get the ball in the water! (Perfect day for dog park) [Border Collie]●ドギーズアイランド・ボーダーコリー
Dog 2023.01.26[ENG SUB] Lick me! (I want my dog to love me) [Rescued Border Collie, 2nd year]●すしらーめん りく・バニラエッセンス
Dog 2022.12.19[ENG SUB] Make the Santa girl love you! (Christmas market) [Rescued Border Collie, 2nd year]●海浜幕張駅
Dog 2022.12.08Be thankful for your friends! (Enjoy the dog resort) [Rescued Border Collie, 2nd year]●ドッグリゾートwoof
Dog 2022.11.24Awaken your instincts! (Trial sheepdog lesson) [Rescued Border Collie, 2nd year]●服部牧場シープドッグ体験